Archive for the Zionism Category

Amerika Serikat dan Angka 13

Posted in Conspiracy Theory, Israel, Knights Templar, New World Order, Secret Societies, USA, Zionism with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 16, 2010 by indonesiaunderground

Lihatlah bendera Amerika Serikat, lalu hitung jumlah strip merah dan putihnya. 13?

Ya, 13.

Menurut sumber resmi pemerintah USA, jumlah 13 ini melambangkan jumlah koloni Inggris di wilayah Amerika Serikat pada abad 18. Lalu, kenapa Inggris harus membuat koloni sejumlah 13? Tidak ada yang tahu.

Sekarang perhatikan lambang negara Amerika Serikat di bagian depan :

  • 13 bintang di atas kepala Elang yang membentuk lambang Bintang David
  • 13 perisai atau tameng
  • 13 daun zaitun
  • 13 anak panah dan bulu anak panah
  • 13 huruf yang membentuk kalimat “E Pluribus Unum”
  • 13 x 9 titik yang melingkari bintang David di atas Elang.

Yang jelas, angka 13 adalah angka Sacred Number milik kaum Kabbalah. Angka keramat, angka yang disucikan, angka yang dikorbankan. Kenapa ada istilah “Friday the 13th”? Tak lain dan tak bukan adalah karena pada hari Jumat itu, 13 Oktober 1703,  terjadi pembasmian Ksatria Templar oleh Paus Clement V dan King Philip Le Bel (Philip IV) di Perancis karena dianggap sesat dari Kristen.

Angka 13 ini ternyata hingga kini masih dipercaya sebagai angka keramat. lambang negara Amerika Serikat, jumlah kartu remi dan tarot, rumus suci geometri yang biasanya terpahat dan disembunyikan dalam berbagai arsitektur bangunan seperti halnya Monumen Washington DC dan Patung Liberty, simbolisasi logo Microsoft, simbolisasi logo McDonalds dan berbagai perusahaan multinasional AS, lembaga-lembaga pemerintah maupun swasta di AS, hingga bilangan batu permata yang ada di Cruix Gemmata, salib yang bertaburkan 13 batu mulia.

Angka 13 ini juga disimbolkan sebagai Yesus dengan 12 muridnya, Dinasti Rotschild dengan 12 Dinasti Yahudi Dunia lainnya yang berkumpul di Bavaria pada tahun 1773 (pendirian Illuminaty dengan Adam Weishaupt sebagai Grandmaster), dan sebagainya.

Lihat pula lambang Departemen Keuangan USA :

Ada 13 bintang yang membentuk piramida !

Lalu kenapa ada gambar “kunci” ? Kunci apakah gerangan? Tak lain dan tak bukan, itulah SOLOMON KEY……Kunci menuju harta karun King Solomon……

(dari berbagai sumber)

Lobi Yahudi dan Liberalisme di Indonesia

Posted in Indonesia, Zionism with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 13, 2009 by indonesiaunderground

Disadur dari

Lobi Yahudi dan Liberalisme di Indonesia

oleh Adian Husaini

Sekali waktu, tengoklah situs Banyak informasi tentang pemikiran dan gerakan liberalisasi yang bisa kita petik dari situs satu lembaga yang secara terbuka mengusung nama “liberal untuk semua” ini. Jumat pagi (20/2/2009), situs ini masih memampang catatan prestasi LibForAll dalam menjalankan misinya di Indonesia. Berbeda dengan sejumlah lembaga pendukung Yahudi dan Israel lainnya, organisasi ini pun tidak segan-segan dan malu-malu untuk menunjukkan dukungannya kepada Israel. Berbagai aktivitas dilakukan untuk membuat membangun gambaran positif tentang negara Zionis Israel.

Disebutkan dalam situsnya, pada 12 Juni 2007, LibforAll menyelenggarakan konferensi keagamaan di Bali, yang disebutnya sebagai “a historic religious summit in Bali”. Konferensi ini dibuat dengan tujuan menegaskan terjadinya peristiwa holocaust (pembantaian terhadap Yahudi di Eropa), mempromosikan toleransi beragama, dan menyingkirkan ideologi kebencian.

Pelaksana Konferensi adalah organisasi bernama Simon Wiesenthal Center yang merupakan partner LibForAll. Acara dibuka oleh pidato mantan Presiden RI Abdurrahman Wahid yang isinya mengecam keras penolakan terhadap peristiwa holocaust. LibForAll menulis, bahwa acara itu diliput ratusan media di berbagai penjuru dunia. Pesan yang disampaikan kepada dunia jelas, bahwa sebagai satu negara Muslim terbesar di dunia, Indonesia menolak pemikiran-pemikiran yang mendiskreditkan Yahudi dan Israel.

Peristiwa holocaust memang menjadi salah satu tonggak penting berdirinya negara Israel. Selama puluhan tahun, kaum Yahudi berusaha keras untuk mencitrakan dirinya sebagai kaum tertindas. Masalahnya, masalah itu masih tetap terselimuti kabut tebal, yang pelan-pelan mulai terkuak. Seorang pastor Katolik, Richard Williamson, pada Januari 2009, membuat tindakan yang mengejutkan dengan menyatakan, bahwa korban Yahudi di Tangan Nazi hanya sekitar 200.000-300.000 orang, dan bukan 6 juta seperti klaim Yahudi selama ini. Ia juga membantah adanya kamar gas untuk membantai kaum Yahudi tersebut.

Seorang cendekiawan Yahudi, Norman G. Finkelstein membongkar praktik-praktik bisnis holocaust melalui bukunya, The Holocaust Industry (2000). Meskipun keluarganya menjadi korban Nazi, tapi Finkelstein berani memaparkan konspirasi seputar Holocaust. Kaum Yahudi mengeruk keuntungan yang luar biasa dari bisnis holocaust ini. Selama ini, Holocaust menjadi barang suci yang tidak boleh disentuh. Padahal, bukti-bukti sejarah menunjukkan, angka 6 juta orang sangat sulit dibuktikan dalam sejarah. Banyak cerita-cerita palsu seputar Holocaust yang selama ini disampaikan di publik, terutama kepada masyarakat Amerika Serikat.

Ketika misteri Holocaust makin terkuak di dunia internasional, justru di Indonesia, kelompok LibForAll dapat menggelar satu Konferensi yang mendukung klaim kaum Zionis atas Holocaust. Tentu, bagi Israel, ini prestasi yang membanggakan. Apalagi, pada bulan Desember 2007, LibForAll juga memberangkatkan lima orang Indonesia ke Israel.  Situs harian Jerusalem Post pada  8 Desember 2007 menurunkan sebuah berita berjudul Indonesian “Peace Delegation Meet With Peres”   (Delegasi Perdamaian dari Indonesia Temui Shimon Peres). LibForAll sangat membanggakan kedatangan delegasi Indonesia yang keberangkatannya juga diatur oleh Simon Wiesenthal Center.  Karena itulah, mereka diberi kesempatan istimewa untuk bertemu langsung dengan Presiden Israel, Shimon Peres.

Melalui LibForAll, lobi-lobi Israel di Indonesia terus dijalankan. Sesuai dengan namanya, organisasi ini sangat aktif  dalam melakukan proses liberalisasi pemikiran Islam. Dua organisasi Islam terbesar menjadi sasaran utama, yaitu NU dan Muhammadiyah. Situs LibForAll berisi banyak foto kegiatan yang melibatkan tokoh-tokoh kedua organisasi tersebut. Tentu ini adalah upaya propaganda LibForAll yang ingin membangun citra, seolah-olah mereka sudah berhasil ‘menguasai’ dan ‘mengatur’  kedua organisasi Islam tersebut.

Kita memahami bentuk propaganda model LibForAll ini. Padahal, faktanya, baik di tubuh NU maupun Muhammadiyah, resistensi terhadap Yahudi dan Israel sangatlah tinggi. Apalagi, setelah pembantaian ribuan warga Gaza oleh Israel, citra Israel sebagai negara biadab semakin tertanam secara mendalam pada benak umat Islam Indonesia. Namun, LibForAll, melalui situsnya, terus membanggakan kisah suksesnya dalam menanamkan lobi Yahudi dan menyebarkan paham liberalisme di Indonesia.

Salah seorang yang dibangga-banggakan oleh LibForAll adalah yaitu Prof. Dr. Abdul Munir Mulkhan, penasehat LibForAll yang juga guru besar UIN Yogya. Dalam situsnya, LibForAll menulis peran penting Munir Mulkhan dalam memberantas ekstrimisme di  Muhammadiyah. Prestasi Munir dalam menolak ekstrimisme dan menjauhkan Muhammadiyah dari partai politik Islam, khususnya PKS, disebut sebagai sebuah prestasi besar (a landmark achievement). PKS disebut identik dengan Hamas dan berafiliasi dengan kelompok radikal Ikhwanul Muslimin. LibForAll menulis:

“The new year arrived on the heels of a landmark achievement by LibForAll Advisor and Senior Fellow Dr. Abdul Munir Mulkhan (former Vice Secretary of the Muhammadiyah, the world’s second-largest Muslim organization, with 30 million members).  After a year-long campaign, Dr. Munir succeeded in mobilizing his organization to officially reject extremism and distance itself from Islamist political parties, which have penetrated the Muhammadiyah through the so-called “Tarbiyah,” or Islamic Education, movement.  The heavily-funded group thus rejected, the PKS, is the Indonesian political equivalent of Hamas, and is affiliated with the radical Muslim Brotherhood.”

Prestasi Munir Mulkhan ini ditulis juga dalam sebuah artikel di Wall Street Jornal (10/4/2007)  berjudul “The Exorcist: An Indonesian man seeks “to create an Islam that will make people smile” oleh Bret Stephens. Prof. Abdul Munir Mulkhan dikenal sebagai aktivis lintas agama yang memang sangat liberal. Ia sangat terobsesi untuk meletakkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan universal di atas ajaran-ajaran agama yang ada.

Sekedar contoh, simaklah isi sebuah buku karya Prof. Abdul Munir Mulkhan berjudul Kesalehan Multikultural (2005) diterbitkan oleh Pusat Studi Agama dan Peradaban (PSAP) Muhammadiyah. Dalam buku ini, secara tegas Munir menolak Pendidikan Tauhid seperti yang dipahami kaum Muslim selama ini. Sebagai gantinya, dia mengajukan gagasan  ‘Pendidikan Islam Multikultural’. Munir menulis:

“Jika tetap teguh pada rumusan tujuan pendidikan (agama) Islam dan tauhid yang sudah ada, makna fungsional dan rumusan itu perlu dikaji ulang dan dikembangkan lebih substantif. Dengan demikian diperoleh suatu rumusan bahwa Tuhan dan ajaran atau kebenaran yang satu yang diyakini pemeluk Islam itu bersifat universal. Karena itu, Tuhan dan ajaran-Nya serta kebenaran yang satu itu mungkin juga diperoleh pemeluk agama lain dan rumusan konseptual yang berbeda. Konsekuensi dari rumusan  di atas ialah bahwa Tuhannya pemeluk agama lain, sebenarnya itulah Tuhan Allah yang dimaksud dan diyakini pemeluk Islam. Kebenaran ajaran Tuhan yang diyakini pemeluk agama lain itu pula sebenarnya yang merupakan kebenaran yang diyakini oleh pemeluk Islam.” (hal. 182-183).

Konsepsi seperti itu adalah  melihat masalah keagamaan dengan sudut pandang humanisme. Bukan sudut pandang Kristen, Yahudi, Islam, atau agama-agama lain. Bagi Islam, jelas bukan begitu cara memandang Tuhan dan agama-agama yang ada. Nabi Muhammad saw diutus untuk menjernihkan berbagai ajaran para nabi yang sudah diselewengkan oleh kaum Yahudi. (QS 2:75, 2:79). Berbagai tindakan syirik juga mendapatkan kecaman keras dalam al-Quran. Kurang jelas apakah pandangan Tauhid Islam selama ini? Mengapa Prof. Munir Mulkhan sampai berani mengusulkan agar pendidikan Tauhid Islam itu diubah konsepnya? Aneh juga, oleh PSAP, Munir dijuluki sebagai salah satu “Begawan Muhammadiyah”,  sehingga penerbitan buku ini ditulis sebagai “Seri Begawan Muhammadiyah.”

Berpegang pada konsep kesamaan Tuhan pada semua agama itu, Munir menafikan konsep Tuhan pada masing-masing agama. Dia menulis:

“Bentuk-bentuk ritual yang sakral yang selama ini cenderung lebih “memanjakan” Tuhan dan tidak manusiawi, perlu dikembangkan sehingga menjadi ritus-ritus kultural yang sosiologis dan humanis. Tuhan yang Maha Tunggal itu adalah Tuhan yang diyakini pemeluk semua agama di dalam beragam nama dan sebutan. Surga dan penyelamatan Tuhan itu adalah surga dan penyelamatan bagi  semua orang di semua zaman dalam beragam agama, beragam suku bangsa dan beragam paham keagamaan. Melalui cara ini, kehadiran Nabi Isa a.s. atau Yesus, Muhammad saw, Buddha Gautama, Konfusius, atau pun nabi dan rasul agama-agama lain, mungkin menjadi lebih bermakna bagi dunia dan sejarah kemanusiaan… Tuhan semua agama pun mungkin begitu kecewa melihat manusia menggunakan diri Tuhan itu untuk suatu maksud meniadakan manusia lain hanya karena berbeda pemahaman keagamaannya.” (hal. 190).

Lihatlah, ketika bicara tentang Tuhan, Munir hanya menggunakan fantasinya. Padahal, dia sendiri tidak paham akan Tuhan. Dia mengharuskan Tuhan untuk mengikuti logikanya sendiri. Seolah-olah, dialah yang mengatur Tuhan. Padahal, sebagai orang yang mengaku Muslim, harusnya dia merujuk kepada konsep-konsep yang dibawa oleh utusan Allah, Nabi Muhammad saw. Karena dialah yang mendapatkan mandat dari Allah  untuk menjelaskan siapa Allah dan bagaimana cara menyembah-Nya. Karena itulah, Nabi Muhammad saw mengajak kaum Musyrik Arab untuk beriman kepadanya dan menjauhi dosa syirik. Amat sangat jelas, apa misi Nabi Muhammad saw dan misi semua Nabi, yaitu untuk mengajak manusia agar jangan menyembah tuhan selain Allah (QS 16:36).

Jadi, konsep pendidikan agama Multikulturalisme yang dibawakan oleh Munir Mulkhan memang sangat bermasalah. Tapi, laksana virus, paham ini pun disebarkan oleh berbagai kalangan. Sebagian sudah mulai melangkah lebih jauh lagi dengan mengajukan konsep “Pendidikan Agama Berwawasan Multikultural”.  Itulah judul sebuah buku yang ditulis seorang dosen di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Islam di Jawa Tengah, yang diberi kata pengantar oleh Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra.

Misi buku ini juga sejalan dengan misi Free Mason, yaitu menghapus pemisah antar manusia:  “Sebagai risalah profetik, Islam pada intinya adalah seruan pada semua umat manusia, termasuk mereka para pengikut agama-agama, menuju satu cita-cita bersama kesatuan kemanusiaan (unity of mankind) tanpa membedakan ras, warna kulit, etnik, kebudayaan, dan agama.” (hal. 45).

Selain Munir Mulkhan, intelektual lain yang dibangga-banggakan oleh LibForAll untuk melakukan proses liberalisasi di Indonesia adalah Prof. Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid. Mulai 2007, LibForAll membuat sebuah proyek Tafsir Al-Quran  yang dipimpin Abu Zaid, yang juga penasehat LibForAll, sebagaimana Munir Mulkhan. Tafsir ini akan menggunakan metode modern yang menolak metode panafsiran literal dan membuang pemikiran-pemikiran ekstrimisme. Ditulis di situsnya, bahwa Tafsir ini akan dikerjakan oleh sarjana-sarjana Quran terkemuka di dunia dari Asia Tenggara, Asia Selatan, dan Timur Tengah. Tafsir Al-Quran ini nanti diharapkan dapat menjadi jembatan bagi kaum Muslim untuk menjembatani antara tradisi Islam dengan nilai-nilai kebebasan (freedom), kesetaraan, Hak Asasi Manusia, demokrasi, dan globalisasi.

Situs LibForAll juga memberikan perhatian khusus kepada kasus yang menimpa Abu Zaid pada bulan November 2007.  Ketika itu,  Abu Zaid gagal menghadiri acara Annual Conference on Islamic Studies di Riau dan juga satu seminar internasional di Malang. Oleh LibForAll, pihak-pihak yang menolak pemikiran Abu Zaid dicap sebagai kaum ekstrimis.

Sebuah prestasi lain yang dibanggakan oleh LibForAll di Indonesia adalah diterbitkannya buku berjudul 13 Abad Eksistensi Islam di Bumi Nusantara,   pada Januari 2007. Buku ini dieditori oleh aktivis LibForAll, Ahmad Gaus dan Rektor UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat. Peluncuran buku ini berlangsung besar-besaran. Di situs LibForAll, ditampilkan tokoh-tokoh yang menghadiri acara tersebut, seperti Abdurrahman Wahid, Din Syamsuddin, dan Azyumardi Azra yang juga penasehat LibForAll.

Menyimak kiprah LibForAll di Indonesia, tampak bagaimana mereka menggunakan kekuatan dana yang sangat besar untuk membangun citra positif Israel di Indonesia. Dengan alasan memerangi ekstrimisme di kalangan Muslim, LibForAll juga berhasil menggaet kalangan elite Muslim untuk mendukung upaya liberalisasi Islam di Indonesia. Sebenarnya, jika dipikirkan, inilah politik belah bambu yang sejak dulu diterapkan oleh penjajah kepada umat Islam. Sebagian disanjung-sanjung dan diberi kenikmatan duniawi, sebagian lain diinjak dan dimaki-maki sebagai kaum ekstrimis.

Melalui berbagai kiprah dan opini yang dibangunnya, tampak LibForAll hanya memberikan pilihan kepada kita:  berteman dengan Shimon Peres atau Hamas. Jika berteman dengan Peres, akan diberi julukan mulia sebagai “penyebar perdamaian”. Jika berteman dengan Hamas, akan segera mendapatkan cap ” ekstrimis”.  Silakan pilih! [Depok, 20 Februari 2009/]

IM : PBB dan Lembaga Internasional Berpihak Pada Zionist

Posted in Israel, Palestine, Zionism with tags , , , , , , , , , , on February 6, 2009 by indonesiaunderground

Kairo-Infopalestina : Mursyid Am Ikhwanul Muslimin, Mohamed Mahdi Akef menjelaskan, lembaga-lembaga internasional seperti PBB, Dewan Keamanan, Uni Eropa, Komisi untuk Hak Asasi Manusia dan Pengungsi, UNESCO, dan UNRWA. Mereka hanya bergerak demi kepentingan Barat yang jelas keberpihakanya dan mendukung sepenuhnya Zionist Israel.

Ia mempertanyakan peran lembaga-lembaga tersebut dalam menghentikan pelanggaran demi pelanggaran yang dilakukan Zionis Israel. Ia mengkritik ketidakberdayaan lembaga-lembaga tersebut dalam memberikan dukungan pada Palestina dan tidak menunjukan rasa simpatinya kepada anak-anak yang terbunuh dan terusir dari tanah airnya.

Akif menyatakan, kejujuran lembaga-lembaga ini dipertanyakan ketika berkaitan dengan hak-hak nasional Palestina. Apa yang terjadi di Gaza kemarin berupa agresi Zionis biadab melalui sejumlah alat tempur di depan mata dunia, untuk meneguhkan dirinya serta menggambarkan bagaimana kekuatanya untuk memisahkan antara hitam dan putih atau antara kebenaran dan kebatilan. Dan untuk menjelaskan, entitas mereka tidak bisa diperintah atau ditekan siapapun.

Namun perang terakhir kemarin membuktikan kemenangan bagi kemanusiaan dan nurani manusia yang rindu akan fitrah Allah yang asli yaitu, perlawanan terhadap segala bentuk penjajahan sebagai hak asasi bagi rakyat yang terusir.

Akief yang menyebut Zionis Israel sebagai penjahat perang yang rasialis dan perampok yang tidak mengenal prikemanusiaan menegaskan, sejak pendirian Zionis Israel oleh Theodore Herzel sebagai organisasi biadab sepanjang sejerahnya. Terbukti pada peristiwa pembantaian Shabra dan Shatila dan lait Al-Baqar, Der Yasin, Qana dan yang lainya, membuktikan betapa biadabnya kelompok ini.
Adapun terkait sikap IM, Akef menjelaskan, pihaknya menginginkan dunia mendengar bagaimana pernyataan pemimpin radikal Zionis, Menachem Begin yang menyatakan, “Ketika pandangan kami arahkan ke sebelah utara terhampar dataran subur Suriah dan Libanon. Ke sebelah Timur terbentang Dataran Tinggi Golan dan sungai Dijlah serta minyak Irak. Adapun di sebelah baratnya terpampang Mesir. Tentu kami tidak akan mampu mengelola kekayaan itu semua. Namun kami menyamarakan masalah ini dari sisi kekuatan. Oleh karena itu, kami harus memaksa bangsa Arab untuk taat dan patuh kepada Israel dengan sempurna”.

Maka IM berpandangan, Palestina harus dibebaskan oleh ummat Islam, Palestina walaupun dikungkung maka kita harus membebaskanya, walaupun ia sakit, maka kita harus mengobatinya dan walaupun pertempuran kita terus berlangsung dengan segala pengorbanan para syuhadanya, tegasnya. (asy)

Sumber :

Zionist Jews- Godfathers Of Terrorism

Posted in Israel, Palestine, Terrorism, Who is The Real Terrorist?, Zionism with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 25, 2009 by indonesiaunderground

Eastern view of the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Fakhariyyah Minaret (wikipedia)

Written by

Thursday, 22 January 2009 18:52

Palestine, the land of Palestinians, is located in the heart of the Middle East and Jerusalem where Masjid Al Aqsa, Islam’s first Qibla is located, has been its capital since time immemorial. At the turn of last century Palestine was a province of Turkey’s Ottoman Empire. It was a place where violence was unknown and one seldom heard people speak loud leave alone using a bad .Violence raised its ugly head in all its fury, with the advent of Jewish migrants to set up under the combined conspiracy of Jews and European colonial powers a Jewish racist state in Palestine to destabilise the Muslim Middle East.

A 2003 satellite image of the region, with national borders shown in light gray (wikipedia)

Turkey was defeated during World War 1 and Palestine was brought under the British Mandatory Authority. The Arab rulers, including the Saudis, sided with Britain during the war on a promise that Palestine would be given freedom after the war. However, instead of freedom Britain helped the Zionist Jews to drive out the Palestinians from their lands and homes and set up a separate state for migrant Jews.

Under this conspiracy, actively implemented by the British Mandatory Authority, Jews who had not even seen the place were brought in from Russia, Middle East and other areas to Palestine where even around 1990 about 95 percent of the population were Palestinian Arabs who owned ninety percent of the land.

The Palestinians were alarmed and worried at the rapidly growing numbers of violence-prone migrant Jews who started provoking them. For example, while the peaceful Muslims in Jerusalem were celebrating the Prophet Muhammad’s ( PBUH) birthday on 16 August 1929, the Jewish migrants hoisted the flag of the Star of David on the Wailing Wall and roused communal hostility against the Muslims by provocative slogans. This led to armed confrontation resulting in the arrest and the execution of many Palestinians in what was later called the “Tuesday of Blood”.

The Holy Land, or Palestine, showing not only the Ancient Kingdoms of Judah and Israel in which the 12 Tribes have been distinguished, but also their placement in different periods as indicated in the Holy Scriptures. Tobias Conrad Lotter, Geographer. Augsburg, Germany, 1759 (wikipedia)

The British Mandatory Authority trained migrant Jewish youths in warfare skills and provided them with sophisticated arms ,tanks and planes while Arab homes and even mosques were searched for arms;
Arabs who had penknives with them were arrested like criminals and punished. The British hanged Arabs who dared to oppose the arrival of Jewish immigrants on the lampposts of Jerusalem as a means of crushing the protest. Therefore, the British crime against the Muslims did not start with Tony Blair’s partnership in George Bush’s crusade against Islam and Muslims under the guise of war on terror.

Palestine and Transjordan were incorporated (under different legal and administrative arrangements) into the Mandate for Palestine issued by the League of Nations to Great Britain on 29 September 1923 (wikipedia)

In the midst of this calamity, migrant Jews established terrorist brigades such as Hagana, Stern and Irgun under the leadership of Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir. Later these Jewish terror gangs embarked upon a bloody campaign of manslaughter to terrorise the Palestinians, drive them out from their homes and grab their lands while the powerful and well-organised international Zionist propaganda machine deceived the world by justifying these crimes as they are now doing to camouflage their barbarity in Gaza. Thus began organised Jewish violence that still reeks with the blood and butchery of the innocent hapless victims of the region.

UN partition plan, 1947 (wikipedia)

On 22, July 1946, Menachem Begin and his gangs planted bombs in the basement of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91- 25 Britons,41 Arabs and 17 Jews. While echoes of this explosion were still being heard, there began a wave of violence which ruthlessly devastated the region from which it has not been able to recover to date.

It was this same Menachem Begin,”Godfather of terrorism”, who was later accepted by the champions of human rights in the West as the respectable Prime Minister of Israel and was even awarded the coveted Nobel Prize for Peace.His partner in crime against Palestinians Yitzhak Shamir who led the Jewish terrorist group Stern too became the Israeli Prime Minister.He proudly recalled later his notorious killings in Jerusalem to drive Palestinians out to establish the Zionist State of Israel.

The region as of today: Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights (wikipedia)

These Zionists committed a series of reprehensible massacres against the Palestinian Arabs who were forced into exile by the millions.The US supplied, as it does even today at the cost of American taxpayers,the Israeli Zionist terror gangs with weapons and other means of destruction such as a huge quantity of TNT that was shipped to Tel Aviv.The Zionist terrorists, using a British police vehicle, exploded a barrel of TNT among a crowd of Arabs at the Hebron Gate Market place in Jerusalem killing twenty Arabs and wounding seventy others.

Designed to destroy the Palestinian resistance, Menachem Begin went on a murderous rampage and within a week butchered hundreds of innocent Palestinian men, women and children ­ 100 in the derailment of Haifa Cairo express and 254 in Deir Yassin, a village a few miles off Jerusalem.The Deir Yassin massacre has been one of the most barbarous crimes ever committed against humanity and could be coupled with the infamous “My Lai massacre in Vietnam”.

After dropping seven bombs on this small Arab village of Deir Yassin of 775 people Begin gunned or bayoneted 254 of its unarmed men, women and children of all ages including ninety-year- old Hajj Ismail Attich and the eighteen-month-old baby Mohammed who was butchered on the bosom of his mother. The mutilated bodies of the victims were thrown into a well in the village. Of the 254 victims were 22 pregnant mothers, a woman teacher by the name of Hayat Balabse who wore a Red Cross badge and was tending the wounded when she was butchered, a blind man, Mohammed Khalil Mustafa, and his wife, Latifa Mustafa, who was trying to lead him to safety when the attackers slaughtered both. The women, girls and the children who survived the holocaust were rounded up at dawn by Menachem Begin and his gangs and then loaded into Lorries to Jerusalem where they were paraded through the Jewish streets, jeered and spat upon. Menachem Begin pronounced this wholesale murder a “victory” and boasted about his crime as a memorable day in Jewish history.

Panic overwhelmed the Palestinians who began to flee in terror even before they clashed with Jewish forces. Haganah carried out merciless attacks on other fronts. All the Jewish forces proceeded to advance through Haifa like a hot knife through butter. The Arabs, unarmed and unorganised, fled in panic shouting “Deir Yassin”.

Commenting on this massacre, renowned historian Arnold Toynbee said in his book “A Study of History”: “The evil deeds committed by the Zionist Jews against the Palestinian Arabs that were comparable to crimes committed against the Jews by the Nazis, were the massacre of men, women and children at Deir Yassin which precipitated a flight of the Arab population in large numbers from districts within range of the Jewish armed forces, and the subsequent expulsion of the Arab population from districts conquered by the Jewish forces between 15 May 1948 and end of the year. The blood at Deir Yassin was on the head of the Irgun; the expulsion of Palestinians after 15 May 1948 was on the head of all Israelis.”

According to Moshe Menuhin, the real war “fait accompli” was precipitated at Deir Yassin by Menachem Begin and his terror gangs on April 9, 1948 ­ massacre, panic and the exile of the Arabs.
The irony is that Begin was not even a Palestinian. He fled his native Poland to the Soviet Union where he was sentenced in 1940 to a Siberian labour camp for his Zionist activities. Released a year later, he joined the Allied war efforts when Begin’s Polish army in exile unit was sent to Palestine under British Mandate, in 1942. He abandoned the army uniform in late 1943 and launched a war of ambush and sabotage against the British Authorities in early 1944. The British, condemned Begin as a terrorist and put a price of 10,000 Sterling Pounds on his head for all his crimes.

In the same cold-blooded vein Irgun, Stern and Haganah terror gangs massacred people in a number of other villages. On 14 April 1948 all the people including those from the village of Nasiruddin, except forty fortunate ones who managed to escape, were butchered to death by the bestial, blood-lust Irgun-Stern gangs.On 2 May 1948, carnage on the people was committed in the area of Mazraat El Khoury, overlooking Tiberias by Haganah gangs.
The bodies of many slain women and children were mutilated and a number of old people were beheaded and their limbs cut off. Young people were roasted alive when the Haganah locked them inside a house and set it on fire before the few surviving old people were finally set free by the Haganah .They advised Palestinians to tell their story to the Arab world and sarcastically asked the Arab states to come to their rescue. A mosque was blown up on 6 May, 1948 over the heads of villagers who were locked in by the Zionists at Al Zeitoon, Safad. The entire population of Beit Drass in Gaza was wiped out on 13 May 1948 in another savage attack by the Zionists similar to Deir Yassin massacre. There the pregnant women were bayoneted in the womb; bodies of others atrociously mutilated and all the houses in the villages were finally dynamited. This illustrates the Zionists’ bestial and brutal inhumanity to its best.

Menachem Begin admitted the heroic resistance of the Palestinians in Jaffa as the Zionists paid dearly losing considerable lives before they took over Jaffa. In his book Revolt Menachem Begin said that it was the attacks on Arab towns and villages that caused panic among the Arabs who had to abandon their homes and lands and started fleeing into neighbouring countries as refugees. Some Palestinian Arabs left out of fear while others were either expelled or forced to leave due to oppression or after their homes were destroyed. Palestinian refugees, in many instances, were physically expelled from their homes and villages.

The Zionists also caused the exodus of Arabs from Palestine, through loudspeakers installed in armoured cars, and sarcastically asserted that the road to Amman was open. Another method used was the mass destruction of their homes and villages. For example, two residential quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem, Magharbeh and Saadiyahs, were razed to the ground to establish a parking ground in front of the Wailing Wall.

Since then the Palestinians, driven out of their homes and lands, have been suffering in the refugee camps for more than seventy years. Tired mothers and hungry and sick children still hope in vain that the UN would settle their problems and let them return to their homes again. They still have the keys to their houses and the deeds to their lands now occupied by immigrant Jews. About a quarter million Palestinian Arabs took refuge in neighbouring countries. Visiting a refugee camp more than fifty years later, in 1990, the former British Foreign Secretary Waldergrave described the conditions there as appalling ­ thanks to his country.

In the midst of the Zionist violence and the Palestinian bloodbath, the state of Israel was proclaimed on 14 May, 1948 over a much larger part of the country than that was allotted to the Zionists even by the UN Partition Resolution. What actually emerged as the Jewish State was anything but the “state” planned for under the partition plan. It was the upshot of brute force created in violation of the principles of the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the very resolution under which the Israelis now claim sovereignty. Minutes after the proclamation of the Zionist state, recognition came from the White House in the USA followed by the Soviet Union, which played a crucial role in the creation of the Zionist state.

The Arab armies were to enter Palestine on that day to rescue what remained of the land and its people. But, as it is the case even today, despite billions of dollars worth of arms, the neighbouring Arab countries were hardly in a position to do anything without the fear of colonial intervention. Therefore, between Palestine and their seats of power, these rulers opted for power and abandoned the Palestinians as they had done even today when they abandoned the Gaza Palestinians who were roasted and toasted by the Zionist Jews.

In his preface to Palestine Diary by Robert John and Sami Hadawi historian Arnold Toynbee had this to say on the British treachery and betrayal: “If Palestine had remained under Ottoman rule, or if it had become an independent Arab state in 1918, Jewish immigrants would never have been admitted into Palestine in large numbers to enable them to overwhelm the Palestinian Arabs in this Arab people’s own country. The reason why the State of Israel exists today, why millions of Palestinian Arabs are refugees is that, for thirty years, Jewish immigration was imposed on Palestinian Arabs by British military power until the immigration was sufficiently numerous and with tanks and planes of their own”.

Rejecting the idea of a Jewish state, Albert Einstein, the world- renowned scientist said “the state idea is not according to my heart. I cannot understand why it is needed. It is concerned with narrow-mindedness and economic obstacles. I believe it is bad. I have always been against it.” Commenting further on the Jewish question Einstein said in his book Out of My Later Years, “I should much rather see a reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together than the creation of a Jewish state. Apart from practical considerations, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state, with borders, an army and a measure of temporal power no matter how modest. I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain.”
The Arab states appealed to the UN and other bodies, of course in vain, to find a peaceful solution. Sixty years later today the Arab rulers are still turning to these very same hostile UN and other forces for solutions to their problems.

The UN Mediator Count Bernadette arrived in Jerusalem in June 1948, the day after the four-week truce became effective in the 1948 war, to inspect thousands of Palestinian refugees in the nearby town of Ramallah, announced his plan for a peaceful solution to the Palestine question. His plan was to create an Arab-Jewish confederation that would cover the whole of Palestine, but with a much smaller portion allotted to the Jews than by the UN partition scheme. The Zionists did not like the idea and to lay it to rest once and for all, they killed Count Bernadotte himself.

Using heavy artillery, 300 Zionist troops attacked the Arab village of Qibyah in the Ramallah district on the midnight of 13 October, 1953. On the following morning the bodies of seventy of its inhabitants, including old men, women and children, were found under the debris of the dynamited houses. The Arabs’ demanding imposition of sanctions on Israel and payment of compensation to the victims’ families by the perpetrators of the crime, was rejected by the big powers in the UN Security Council.

Three years later on 29 October 1956, the Zionists killed 49 Arabs in the village of Kafr Kassim. Israel referred to the massacre as people having been injured by the frontier guards. At 4.30 PM on that day, Zionist Frontier Guards informed the Mukthar of the village to inform the people that a curfew would be imposed from 5 PM to dawn. Mukthar Wadi Ahmed Sursur told the Zionists that about 400 villagers worked outside the village and he could not inform them as time was short. The Frontier Guards promised Mukthar that all men returning from work would be allowed to pass. However, a bitter fate awaited the villagers when they did return from the day’s work as the Zionist gangs massacred them in cold blood without any rhyme or reason.
On the eve of the 1956 war against Egypt by the combined forces of Britain, France and Israel to expropriate the Suez Canal, the Israeli forces made a number of reprisal raids on its northern Arab neighbours in a series of cover up moves to hide their real intentions of a blitz on Egypt. The biggest of these was in Qalquilya in Jordan where, according to UN observers, 48 Arabs were killed. But the mobilization was so large it could no longer be kept a secret. The Zionist troops invaded Sinai, destroyed the Egyptian bases and defeated the Egyptian army before reaching the Gulf of Aqaba so that Israeli warships could use the Red Sea.

In a well calculated war Israel ,backed by the US and Europe ,attacked Egypt, Syria and Jordan in June 1967 and
captured Sharm el Sheikh and occupied the Gaza strip, Sinai Peninsula, West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights .

On 11 June 1967 the cease-fire became effective between Israel and the Arab states. Arab hopes and aspirations were shattered and the Palestinians, languishing in the refugee camps, were thoroughly disillusioned not knowing where to turn to. As the Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Dayan arrogantly said “I don’t want any Arab in my Jewish State” the Zionist troops began committing atrocities on the civilian population of Jerusalem from June 5 to 8, 1967. In her book “War in Jerusalem”, Sister Marie Theresa, who rendered great assistance to the victims described in the following detail the crimes committed by the Zionist Jews;

“Her convent sustained a direct hit during the Israeli raids as a dozen severely wounded and strangely burnt persons lay with their abdomens open and their arms torn out. The arm of one of the women had to be amputated. All had faces riddled with deep burns that made holes in their skins. They said nothing, not even groaning, but gaped with their black eyes fixed and aghast. The Israeli planes had chosen for their targets, some of the poorest quarters of the Old City like Bab Zahreh and Bab Hottah, knowing very well how crowded they were and that there was no military gain to be scored by such savage raids.

Sister Theresa added “we run to the hospital to bury the dead piling at the entrance. The stench was so horrible in the heat that we have to wear masks. We walk in maggoty pools of blood. In the midst of our despair at not being able to find a vehicle for carrying the dead, a Jew arrives to ask about a dead man. To our surprise, we find that the requested man’s body is embalmed, he was English and his rich family had paid for the embalmment. An Israeli ambulance was coming to pick it up. Nothing however for the bodies of the rest! One by one we carry them away with utmost care all the time because the limbs were coming off…. as we approached the Muslim cemetery, a car came up with Moshe Dayan, the Chief Rabbi and Levi Eshkol in it. Jews applauded and the motorcade drove in triumph toward the Temple.

During her visit to the Muslim cemetery, Sister Marie Theresa saw a man “bury his wife and daughter… and massacred children whose skulls broke open”. Upon leaving the place there were a number of Israeli girls who were bursting out with laughter and looking very intoxicated with victory, as they carried revolvers in their hands”.
“In Bethlehem, Israeli cars with amplifiers warned the inhabitants in Arabic that they had two hours to leave their homes and flee towards Jericho and Amman, otherwise their homes would be bombed.”
“We drove slowly in search of the dead woman who was seen in a ditch the day before. Eventually we spotted her and got down to find that she was still clasping the two loaves of bread she had gone out to fetch for her children during the battle. We dug a hole under a rock and buried her in it together with her loaves. We started off again. Three kilometres further on, we came upon two wounded Arabs who had been in that same place by the road for the past three days. Many Israeli vehicles had passed, but none bothered to stop. We carried them to the hospital in Jerusalem”.

Back in Jerusalem, these companions of Jesus were shocked by the cruelty of the Jewish invaders. “With curfew imposed everywhere the Arabs cannot move or work and the families ran short of food. The second wave of Israelis consisted of thieves, looters and sometimes murderers, but the third is even worse for it appeared to be driven only by the thought of death and destruction according to a systematic plan. In the evening Father Paul sees Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Chief of Staff, without any use. “Anguish grips us like a beast that chokes and wrings the heart. The war is over, but we have been too close to the slaughtered lamb. That fifteen-day-old baby. I think of myself as still holding it to me, bruised and blood-smeared all over. When I wake up during the night, scenes pass through my head and I want to scream. Father Paul was so overwhelmed he could not do a thing”.

These were only a handful of incidents to quote, as the list grew longer and longer. In his book David and Goliath, Ernest Trost tells a story which sums up the Israeli attitude quite well.

“An American, an Englishman, a Frenchman and an Israeli are on the menu of a cannibal banquet. Before they are put in the pot, each one was granted a last favour by the cannibal chief. The American asks for a hotdog, the Englishman for a glass of whisky, the Frenchman for a pretty girl. The Israeli says; I would like somebody to give me a kick up the backside. Rather surprised, the chief sends for his strongest warriors who take great delight in acceding to the Israeli’s request. The Israeli lands a little way off, draws two pistols from his pockets and opens fire on the cannibal chief and his men. The others, panic stricken, run away. The American, the Englishman and the Frenchman run over to him and asked why he did not use his gun earlier. The Israeli replies with a smile, “We Israelis never fight unless we are attacked”.

While the 1956 Zionist aggression was carried out in collaboration with France and Britain, in June 1967, the US was the partner in crime with the Jews against the Arabs. There was jubilation everywhere in the capitals of Europe and the US. Britain and France were happy that this time the Zionists successfully avenged, on their behalf, their set backs in the 1956 aggression against Egypt.

Israel occupied and razed more than 400 Palestinian villages between 1948 and 1967 and established exclusive Jewish settlements in their place. There was hardly a word about this too. Almost six months later, the UN managed to pass a resolution No 242 in November 1967, which did not recognise the rights of the Palestinians to return home or statehood; instead stated that Israel should have secure and recognised boundaries.

Later the Zionists and their Western masters exploited the growing rift between Yasser Arafat’s PLO and Jordan’s playboy King Hussein and used Hussein to crush the PLO by killing about 30,000 Palestinians in the streets of Amman in September 1970. South African-born Zionist Foreign Minister Abba Eban threatened military action to protect King Hussein when Syria tried to intervene and stop the carnage in Amman. Since then King Hussein became the sweetheart of the West, which affectionately described him as the plucky little king who was given a grand political funeral when Israelis brought in world leaders to Amman.

In 1982 Menachem Begin and his Defence Minister Ariel Sharon invaded Lebanon to drive out the Palestine Liberation Organisation which established its base there after being expelled from Amman .Israel thought that they could not control the West Bank and Gaza as long as the PLO was alive and the Palestinians would derive their political will from it. Most Arab dictators too wanted to see the demise of the PLO, as they are helping Israel to destroy Hamas in Gaza now.

Prominent journalist and historian Peter Mansfield said that “anyone now doubting that Menachem Begin, his cabinet and his generals are not a danger to the world peace on the same scale as Hitler and Mussolini is beyond comprehension. After massive air raids Israel has launched a full scale invasion of a neighbouring country, slaughtering hundreds of civilians and terrorizing the population. It has brushed aside UN peace keeping forces and contemptuously dismissed the UN itself. Only South Africa can bear comparison, but beside Israel it appears cautious and restrained.
The attitude of the US is exasperating almost beyond endurance. The familiar pattern which we saw after the Israeli bombing of the Iraqi nuclear reactor and the annexation of Golan Heights is already repeating itself – initial condemnation followed by back tracking. It is no surprise that millions – not only Arabs and Muslims – are convinced that the Americans connived with the Israeli invasion , telling them to go ahead and not to bother about US public disapproval, because it would not be given any teeth.

As Beirut was bombed by air, land and sea, as they are now doing in Gaza, people throughout the world watched the wanton act of destruction unfolding beneath the relentless gaze of television. Within five days 8000 people, 2000 of them in Sidon alone, were killed by the invading Israeli forces and on June 12 and 13, about 400 Lebanese civilians, most of them women and children were blasted to death in their apartments. Hundreds of corpses were buried in one mass grave, now known as Martyr’s Square, in Sidon alone.

British journalist with conscience Robert Fisk who covered the war said in his book Pity The Nation that most of the victims were Muslims and on the edge of Sabra, the Muslim cemetery was so crowded with dead from the Israeli raids that corpses were being buried thirty feet deep in mass graves, one on top of the other.
The bodies in decay are disgusting. The smell of human remains in 100 degrees of heat nauseating and it contradicts our most deeply held values – love, beauty, gentleness, health, cleanliness, hygiene and life. Both physically and mentally that stench was the manifestation of our fear and revulsion. When we first walked down the stairs of the Sidon elementary school, where refugees from
Tire found shelter, were bombed by the Israelis on June 7 night, we faced the smell of those men, women and children killed. Why did they die here? How could such an abomination have taken place? If terrorism was a Katyusha attack on Galilee that killed, one, five even ten people what did this charnel house represent?”

This was not an isolated incident throughout Israel’s savage air raids as the Red Cross estimated at between 1,500 and 2,000 civilian fatalities in Sidon alone. According to the Red Cross, by the end of first week of the occupation 9,583 people were killed and 16,608 wounded. During the second week, the number reached 14,000, mainly civilians, killed and 20,000 wounded. A total of 12,000 men, women and children were killed in Tire, most of them in the Palestinian refugee camps at Rashidiya, Bourj Al Shemali and Al Bass. Nevertheless, the most horrific toll of casualties was in the Muslim areas of West Beirut where 2,461 were killed by the Israeli raids that also killed hundreds of others in many villages along the Litani River.

The air raids and massacres continued with Israel which, by then, had about 100,000 soldiers with 1,300 tanks in Lebanon, demanding complete surrender of the PLO whose forces were trapped in Beirut. As if the carnage by air raids were not enough the Jews began using, the US supplied destructive cluster bombs against West Beirut where the mournful exodus of citizens continued. No food was allowed in and the Israeli troops even grabbed baskets of food from Muslim women and threw them into the ditch. According to Robert Fisk, Phalangist militiamen grabbed two bottles of water from a 65 or 70 year old woman, smashing them saying “F…k your sister” in front of four Israeli soldiers, who laughed.

Describing the Israeli cruelty even in hospitals Dr. Amal Shamma of the Beirut Hospital said “after the Zionists fired phosphorus shells in West Beirut on 29 July, I had to take the babies and put them in buckets of water to put out of flames. When I look them out half an hour later, they were still burning. Even in the mortuary, they smouldered for hours”. Journalist Jim Muir described the invasion as an Israeli American double act, working in partnership, with the Americans trying to reap the fruits of the Israeli invasion.

American envoys continued to press for the PLO capitulation, as they were trying to force the Hamas to do now, which Israel demanded. Washington joined the Israelis in promoting an extraordinary misinformation campaign suggesting the PLO collapse was imminent.
Condemning the barbarous invasion three prominent Jewish figures, Nahum Goldman, Philip Klutznick and Pierre Mendes, said Israel would not be able to liquidate the PLO or solve the Palestine question. Describing the US as the real villain they pointed out that the main responsibility for chaos in the Middle East was with the US because of its military and economic aid to Israel. Former US President Jimmy Carter accused Secretary of State Alexander Haig of giving the green light for the Israeli invasion.

The PLO leaders, as pointed out by Robert Fisk, spoke savagely of the moral cowardice of the fellow Arabs, as they are even today, who failed to react throughout the Israeli carnage? The so called radical Arab nations that had broadcast appeals to mobilize the masses on Palestinian’s behalf failed to send their men or arms to support the cause for which they had fought four wars with
Israel. The Arab nations with their existing regimes were “as still as the grave”, as they are today, and they accepted the Israeli blows only with written – verbal condemnation.
In 1976, Christian militiamen stormed three Palestinian refugee camps in East Beirut. Syrian troops intervened and entered Beirut as part of an Arab Deterrent Force. Instead of offering protection late Syrian President Hafez Al Asad’s forces massacred about 30,000 Palestinians during this operation in Tel Al Zaater. In the melee, the Israeli-backed Christian militiamen massacred the entire population of Sabra and Chatila refugee camps despite the written assurances of US envoy Philip Habib and European countries ensuring the protection of the Palestinian civilians. Phalangists involved in the massacre said in Beirut that “pregnant women will give birth to terrorists; the children when they grow up will be terrorists”.

Robert Fisk, accompanied by two more journalists Loren Jenkins, an American, and Tveit, a Norwegian, who visited the camp on September 18 morning had this to say of the mass killing;
“All of us wanted to vomit. We were breathing death, inhaling the very putrescence of the bloated. There were women lying in houses with their skirts torn up to their waists and their legs wide apart. Children with their throats cut, rows of young men shot in the back after being lined up at an execution wall. There were babies – blackened babies because they had been slaughtered more than 24 hours earlier and their small bodies were already in a state of decomposition – tossed into rubbish heaps alongside discarded US army ration tins, Israeli army medical equipment and empty bottles of whisky. When we drove down to Chatila we had seen the Israelis on top of the apartments in the Avenue Camille Chamoun but they made no attempt to stop us. Walking across the muddy entrance of Chatila we found that these buildings had all been dynamited to the ground. There were cartridge cases across the main road and Israeli flare canisters still attached to their tiny parachutes. Clouds of flies moved across the rubble, raiding parties with a nose for victory.

Down the lane way there laid a pile of corpses: young men whose arms and legs had been wrapped around each other in the agony of death; all had been shot at point blank range through the cheek, the bullet tearing away a line of flesh up to the ear and entering the brain. Some had vivid crimson or black scars down the left side of their throats. One had been castrated, his trousers torn open and a settlement of flies throbbing over his torn intestines. The eyes of the young men were all open. The youngest was only twelve or thirteen years old and the bodies began to bloat in heat. On the other side of the main road we found the bodies of women and several children. The corpse of the middle aged women lay draped over a pile of rubble. One lay on her back, her dress torn open and the head of a little girl emerging from behind her. Another child lay on the roadway like a discarded doll, her white dress stained with mud and dust. She could not have been more than three years old and her head been blown away by a bullet fired into her brain. One of the women also had a tiny baby to her body and the bullet that had passed through her breast had killed the baby too. Someone had slit open the woman’s stomach, cutting sideways and then upwards, perhaps trying to kill her unborn child. Her eyes were wide open, her dark face frozen in horror.

They saw a young woman lying on her back as if she was sunbathing in the heat and the blood running from her back was still wet. The Israeli backed murderers who raped and knifed the woman have just left. Between September 16 and 18 more than 2,000 men, women, children and the aged were massacred in Sabra and Chatila. While the slaughter was going on inside the camp, as quoted by Robert Fisk, outside the entrance to Chatila on Friday at 4 pm James Pringle of Newsweek asked militiamen of Haddad’s forces what was going on inside the camp. The gunman replied simply and in English “We are slaughtering.” Pringle first thought it was a joke only to realise the horror within hours.

As confirmed later the massacre was committed by the Christian allies ­ uniformed, armed, trained, paid and fed by Zionists Jews as their own creatures. Some wearing Phalangist insignia and others dressed in the uniform of Haddad’s militia they were, about thirty, brought in at number one runway at Beirut airport, 24 hours before the massacre, on Thursday September 16, by the Israeli air force Hercules transport aircraft. The Israelis under Ariel Sharon, as admitted later, who controlled the camps, let the killers inside who began to knife and cut the throats of women and children in Chatila and later started sniping with rifles at anyone who moved out of doors. But the real massacre began with mass killings on 17 September Friday afternoon watched from the nearby stadium by the Israelis and Ariel Sharon. Most of those murdered were secretly and hurriedly buried in mass graves beneath the golf course between Chatila and the airport with bulldozers brought well in time for the purpose to cover up the crime. The other bodies found in Chatila were buried near the entrance to the camp amidst great grief and nauseating stench.

Shocked by the crime many countries asked how the Jews who have suffered so terribly under Hitler could be so heartless to commit such atrocities. Although Israel was responsible for the slaughter as an occupier Menachem Begin whose government was accused of “blood libel”, living up to his old reputation and terrorist qualities, announced, “No one will preach to us moral values or respect for human life, on whose basis we were educated and will continue to educate generations of fighters in Israel”.

Israel’s Kahan commission’s flawed report on the massacre, condemned Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon, Eitan, Drori and other Israeli officers, concluded that Ariel Sharon should bear personal responsibility- for this genocide .Sick of Begin’s crimes even the Israelis came out on demonstrations demanding his resignation while Professor Yeshayahu Leibotvitz of the Hebrew University, the Editor of Encyclopaedia Hebraica said “the massacre was done by us. The Phalangists are our mercenaries exactly as the Ukrainians and the Croatians and the Slovakians were the mercenaries of Hitler, who organised them as soldiers to do the work for him. Even so we have organised the assassins of Lebanon in order to murder the Palestinians”.

As a result of the Israeli invasion, almost 17,825 people were killed between June 4 and September 1982. Ariel Sharon, a man of blood whose history of terror stretches back to the early 1950s when he ran a commando squad which slaughtered 69 Palestinians in the village of Qibbiya and who is known for his lead role in the carnage of Palestinian civilians in villages such as Kafr Kassim, Deir Yassin and other places decades later, was directly and indirectly responsible for this massacre. He did not end his crimes there.

In September 2000, Ariel Sharon triggered off the Palestinian uprising now known as Al Aqsa Intifada, entered Masjid Al Aqsa compound in Jerusalem accompanied by around 2,000 Israeli armed forces provided by Ehud Barak who, as prime minister, slaughtered stone throwing Palestinian men, women and children.

Ehud Barak’s suggestion for dealing with the Intifada demonstrators was to “cut off their body parts”. By any reasonable reckoning, he was a war criminal, destined only to exile and disgrace. His best friends are mentally deranged people such as Avigdor Liberman who openly advocates setting Beirut on fire, launching missiles at Tehran, destroying the Aswan dam and recapturing villages already handed back to the Palestinians. Despite all his criminal background, Ariel Sharon was elected as prime minister by the people of Israel in an overwhelmingly sad reflection on the part of the Israeli voters. The Western leaders went all out to set up international war crime tribunals to bring to book criminals such as former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic for Srebrenica massacre and Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet for his infamous “Caravan of Death, but it has been business as usual with Ariel Sharon the man held personally responsible for the largest massacre of civilians in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

It is a comedy of fact that Ariel Sharon” a villain of peace and architect of man massacre” was accorded a red carpet welcome as a” Paragon of Peace” at the White House by President George Bush-the big bully and a buccaneer of peace.

Receiving Ariel Sharon later at his private ranch Bush offered specially prepared chocolate wrapped in paper designed with the motif of the Israeli flag. Billions of dollars of United States’ tax payers’ money regularly flow annually to help the Zionist entity besides unstinted political, diplomatic, economic and military backing to continue its crime against neighbouring countries and their people. Tony Blair received Sharon at his office as a respected and dignified leader. Both Bush and his wife Laura prayed for Sharon’s early recovery when he suffered a serious stroke. This shocking behaviour of both Bush and Blair demonstrated to the world the brutal control the Jews exercise over the Anglo- American political establishment and political leaders, especially Bush and Blair who shamelessly claimed that they were fighting a war against global terror.

Sharon was given a free hand by Western leaders to kill Palestinians at will on a daily basis, destroy Palestinian homes, evict Palestinians from their lands and build thousands of homes for Jews. When the Zionists continue to kill innocent Arabs and shed their blood, the leaders in the West turned a blind eye. But they were outraged when a Palestinian killed a Jew who was occupying his house and land. Almost all Western leaders screamed and condemned such executions as acts of terror and describe Palestinians as terrorists. No Western leader has ever described Jewish crime and bloodshed in the Middle East as a form of terrorism.

In the midst , in a spotless democratic election held in January 2006 the Palestinians elected with overwhelming majority Hamas, known for their commitment to the Palestinian cause and pursuit of peace with dignity. This election was held under the supervision of former US President Jimmy Carter who described it as free and fair,
This budding democracy in Gaza alarmed Israel, the US and their European and Arab collaborators who wanted Hamas crushed at any cost. Arabs dictators were alarmed that their own people may demand democracy. Israel introduced inhuman measures to collectively punish the Palestinians for electing Hamas. Israel, backed by US and Europe, stopped all donations and cut off the flow of all money to starve Palestine into submission. The Arab regimes too joined this financial blockade knowing very well the misery they were causing to the Palestinians who needed this money to keep body and soul together.

The task of overthrowing the Hamas government was entrusted to Mahmoud Abbas who was bribed, armed and even given arms training by the US through Egypt proving to the world that the US claim to promote democracy is a farce.

Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery said “the message of Jews, the US and Europe to Palestinian is that you will reach the brink of hunger, and even beyond, if you do not surrender. You must remove the Hamas government and elect candidates approved by Israel and the US. You must be satisfied with a Palestinian state consisting of several enclaves, each of which will be utterly dependent on the tender mercies of Israel’.
In the midst of this gloom and while the world was busy watching the 2006 World Cup Football Championships, Israel’s latest Fuhrer Olmert turned Gaza into a yet another slaughter house aimed at crushing Hamas and the flourishing democracy there. As usual, the Western media failed to highlight the Palestinian sufferings and there was deafening international silence.

As expected, the US gave a free hand while spineless Europe called for restraint. India, once the champion of Palestine, virtually abandoned the Palestinians and embraced Israel and established a Delhi-Tel Aviv-Washington axis. The Arab leaders who counted on Indian support watched as helpless spectators. It was business as usual for China with Israel while the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan expressed his concern at the excessive use of force by Israel and the need to preserve Palestinian institutions and infrastructure.

Unable to bear the suffering, Hamas demolished the towering iron and concrete border wall that Israel erected since 2003 and broke open the Rafah border allowing hundreds of thousands to burst out and shop for desperately needed supplies in Egyptian border towns. In this unbelievable movement of joy and freedom they traveled by
car, truck on the foot and on donkey cart and the highway was jammed with packed taxis and pick-up trucks whose beds were filled beyond capacity and racing from Egyptian Rafah to al-Arish. Some journalists have called it a huge “jail break” and Gazans felt a deep exhale of relief joy — both rare commodities in this forsaken land.

Israel continued to tighten its economic blockade to starve Palestinians and force them to rise against Hamas. The situation deteriorated to such an extend that on 9 December 2008 Dr. Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinians Territories, forcefully insisted on the need to protect civilian Palestinian population from being collectively punished by Israeli policies that amount to a Crime Against Humanity.

The UNHRC harshly reprimanded Israel for its policies and called for an end to their “cruel, inhuman and degrading” punishments. Falk insisted the UN International Criminal Court investigate into Israel’s atrocious crimes and those Israeli civilian leaders and military commanders responsible be indicted and prosecuted for violations of international criminal law.”

As a result Richard Falk who was on his way to the Palestinian occupied territories to carry out his officially mandated functions was detained at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv where he was forced to spend 20 hours in a small room before being put on a plane bound for Los Angeles. Falk’s mobile phone was confiscated to prevent him from contacting other officials of the United Nations before his deportation.

The detention of Richard Falk meant a clear violation of UN immunities, which protect UN envoys and their activities. Falk had been invited by the Palestinian Authority to visit the occupied territories to check the numerous and continued human rights violations by Israeli authorities. The civilized world and its institutions cannot continue to turn a blind eye while Israel commits all kinds of awful crimes against the Palestinian people. Many politicians in the West have been taking a cowardly approach on Israeli atrocities due to their fear of the Zionist lobbies in their respective countries.

Even in the face of Dr. Falk’s and the UNHRC’s findings and conclusions Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the other Arab regimes and the feckless Arab League, all remained silent .

The situation continued to deteriorate when Israel intensified its blockade and Egypt once again closing the Rafah border crossing. Condemning the terrible conditions of Palestinians former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, told the BBC during the first week of November 2008 that it was “almost unbelievable” that the world did not care about what she called “a shocking violation of so many human rights. Their whole civilization has been destroyed, I’m not exaggerating .It’s almost unbelievable that the world doesn’t care while this is happening.”
It was under these circumstances, using US supplied latest bunker buster missiles,F-16 warplanes and Apache helicopter gunships, Israel, in the latest of its war crimes against Palestinians on 27 December 2008 dropped around 100 tons of bombs on1.5 million defenseless and starving Palestinian population killing mercilessly 220 men, women, children and the aged besides wounding hundreds.This ruthless and senseless carnage continued unabatedly at the time of concluding this document on 9 January 2008 when the death toll chalked up to 760.

Television footages of scattered dead bodies of innocent little babies, beautiful small children , teenagers, brothers, sisters, parents and the aged ,some lying in a pile ,some being carried away by distraught rescuers and the wounded writhing in pain and reciting verses from the Quran. These pathetic sights melted the hearts of people all over the world- irrespective of religion, language, nationality and colour.

But, they failed to kindle the conscience of the ruling elites in the West and the Middle East as well, because they were party to this crime that was marketed well in advance by Israel Foreign Minister Tizipi Livni ­ a woman who justified this massacre. Israeli justification for this genocide is that Hamas firing rockets into southern Israel which in fact was the land of Palestinians grabbed by the Zionist Jews. However, these rockets are nothing more than slingshots against Israel’s military might and the Palestinians use them out of sheer desperation to highlight their just grievances.

As expected and as usual the most detested and despised US President George Bush, soaked in the blood of almost two million Iraqis, Afghans, Palestinians, Somalis and other Muslims, blamed Hamas. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown whose affection towards Jews has been too strong to condemn their crimes, was rather silent .After all it was British treachery and conspiracy that created racist entity of Israel whose crime records during the past three quarter century have been common knowledge.

President elect Barack Obama too failed to speak out despite growing pressure sending his own message-“Silence Speaks of Complicity”. After all, he must be grateful to the Jewish lobbies and corporate conglomerates that brought him to power. A British columnist pointed out “Britain’s Prime Minister Brown and his predecessor, now peace envoy Blair, both self-confessed Zionists, have given their undying support to a terrorist state (Israel) and steered Britain’s foreign policy on a course that has earned the opprobrium of civilized people. Our Foreign Office went so far as to say they were “deeply concerned” then spouted the mantra: The only way to achieve a lasting peace is through peaceful means”.Reiterating this, another columnist pointed out that this killing spree could not have happened without the tacit approval of America, Britain and the EU. The political pea-brains that direct the pro-Israel western alliance were partying, gorging themselves on Christmas fare or binge-shopping while this massacre of hungry women and children and their despairing men folk in Gaza was being planned and executed.

It has become clear on the fourth day that the Jewish carnage was planned executed by Israel in close coordination with Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the PA. According to subsequent reports they were backed by neo con fascist Bush and Cheney in their drive to cause problems to the incoming President Barrack Obama.Some reports disclosed that, though the PA President Mahmoud Abbas slammed this as “barbaric” and “unnecessary “for months he and his top representatives have waged a quiet but intensive campaign requesting Israel to target Hamas in Gaza just before his term in office is scheduled to expire on Jan. 9.

Hamas leaders have repeatedly warned that they will not recognize Abbas after January ninth. Instead, they will launch a major campaign to delegitimize the PA president and install their own figures to lead the Palestinian government. Abbas,
collaborator with the Zionists, expected a large-scale Israeli military campaign in Gaza to distract Hamas from undermining his rule. He has been fully backed by Israel, Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak,
Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and Jordan’s Abdullah.
Hamas accused the Palestinian Authority of planning to return to Gaza Strip with the help of Israel and was coordinating his moves with the Egyptians and the Saudis. A report by Palestine Information Center stated that Mahmoud Abbas has ordered his officials in Ramallah to set up an “emergency room” comprised of commanders of the PA security forces and the interior minister, to prepare for reassuming office ­perhaps over the blood, flesh, dead bodies and the sufferings of Palestinians and destroyed infrastructure of Gaza.

Fawzi Barhoum, Hamas representative, disclosed that members of the cell were
told to gather information about Hamas leaders’ secret hideouts and pass them on to Israel obviously to kill them. He said number of retired Fatah officers sought permission from Abbas to defend Gaza. However Abbas did not respond. This is the lowest depth to which Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestine Authority that served the Israelis more than the Palestinians, has descended.

In fact after months of persecution of Hamas in the west Bank, PA security forces, in cooperation with Israeli forces, launched the biggest ever crackdown in late October 2008, swept through villages, town and refugee camps , arrested Hamas men on the basis of a list provided Shin Beit ­Israel’s domestic intelligence, subjected them to severe beatings and ridiculed them for their Islamic life and practices. Their target was to destroy Hamas’ political, economic, social, educational and cultural infrastructure.

During a scandalous meeting between Israelis and the PA Security Chiefs in Beit El , near Ramallah, Palestinian General Diab al Ali, known as Abu Fatah, reportedly told the Israelis that ” we are allies, not enemies. We have a common enemy, it is Hamas”. When the details were published even sources within Fatah called him a traitor and demanded that his sacking.

Meanwhile London-based daily al-Quds al-Arabi reported on Sunday 28 that Egypt collaborated with Israel in this massacre to deal a blow to Hamas. Egyptian Intelligence Minister Omar Suleiman deceived Hamas into believing that Israel would not launch an attack on the Gaza Strip in the near future.

Citing sources close to former Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud al-Zahar, Al Quds reported, “Egypt told Hamas on Friday evening that Israel had agreed to begin talks on a ceasefire and would not attack Gaza before these talks ended. Egypt’s assurance persuaded Hamas not to evacuate its security compounds in accordance with routine procedures in place after any threats by Israel. Suleiman also convinced a number of Arab leaders that Israel was intending to launch only limited operations into the Gaza Strip to mount pressure on Hamas ahead of signing a new ceasefire agreement”.

In a heartless move Hosni Mubraka declared that he would keep the Rafah crossings with Gaza closed until Mahmud Abbas regains authority over the territory. Mubarak came in for strong criticism from the Arab and Muslim world for not fully opening its border with Gaza to enable Palestinians to purchase their essential items including food and medicine. However, George Bush thanked Hosni Mubarak for his role in facilitating the latest Israeli slaughter of innocent Palestinians. This was the shameful role of Hosni Mubarak, more a Zionist stooge than an Arab leader, who has become a source of humiliation to the Arabs and Muslims in general and the Egyptians in particular.

Two days before the carnage Mubarak held talks with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni triggering off charges of collusion that led to attacks on Egyptian diplomatic missions both in Beirut and the Yemeni port city of Aden.

Meanwhile it is common knowledge that Israel also had the blessings of Saudis whose long secret links with the Zionists have now come to open with their Islamic mask falling. Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan have been puppets of Americans and the Zionists who rule America and one should not forget that these countries were hand in glove with the Zionists, America and Europe in all their designs and destructions against the Arabs and Muslims.

In one of the most humiliating decisions in the history of Islam ,Saudis rolled red carpet to receive George Bush, number one enemy of Islam, Muslims and humanity, though he should not have been allowed to step into the soil chosen by Almighty Allah to raise our beloved Prophet Muhammed ( Pbuh) and reveal the final message of Islam for the salvation of human beings. Once Hosni Mubarak and Saudi Abdullah were bought over the entire, Middle East was neutralized, enabling Israelis to kill the Palestinians at will. The result was the deafening Arab silence.
Yet the sights of death and destruction struck close to the hearts of brutally oppressed Egyptians who accused Mubarak’s regime of taking a spectator’s position while the blood of the Palestinians continues to be shed in the Gaza Strip. They asserted, “Arab governments are complicit in what happens to the Palestinians. These governments assisted Israel tighten its grip on the dispossessed Palestinians and kill them.”

“Mubarak and Tzipi Livni have agreed on the genocide of the Palestinian people,” read one banner. “Mubarak is an accomplice in attacks against the Palestinian people,” read another.

As pointed out by the World Socialist sources the hypocritical and lying reports of the pro Jewish Western media, which shamelessly described Israel’s aerial blitz against apartment blocks, police stations, universities, mosques and office buildings as an act of “self defense,” while equating the occupied with the occupiers and ineffectual homemade rockets with US-supplied F-16s, Hellfire missiles and “smart bombs. No Arab country has condemned this dastardly Jewish crime against Palestinians .Eleven days later, the Arab foreign ministers met with great reluctance, more as a public relations exercise, on Wednesday 31. Knowing the Arab dictators well, the expectations were extremely low when 22 Arab countries met .In fact the Arab populace knew well that it was unlikely that the league would agree to any concrete measure despite widespread protests across the Arab world.
As expected, the Arab League meeting decided to refer the matter to United Nations knowing very well that already a related UN Security Council Resolution was blocked by the US on Sunday 28. The US Security Council only managed to issue a ‘non-binding’ statement that called on Israel to voluntarily end all its military activities in the besieged region. One should not forget that US has so far vetoed over 40 anti-Israeli resolutions sought by the council since 1972. Since 2004, Washington has prevented the adoption of four other resolutions that called for Tel Aviv to halt its operations in the Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile reports also started to emerge on numerous websites that Saudi Arabia and Egypt tried to delay the so-called Arab summit to provide Israel with sufficient time to destroy Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal has reportedly put pressure on Gulf Cooperation Council countries to postpone the summit while the Saudi state-run news agency had earlier quoted Saud al-Faisal as saying that the GCC had not made a decision on a call for an emergency meeting on Gaza.

Meanwhile there emerged reports that Abdulla of Saudi Arabia has reportedly told President George Bush during a telephone conversation that he would not ask Israel to stop bombing Palestinians in Gaza.

In a sheer traditional display of Saudi hypocrisy, Abdullah called on Palestinian factions to unite against their common enemy when he received a delegation from the International Union for Muslim Scholars, IUMS, led by Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradawi. The question is who the enemy is when there were reports of Saudi collaboration in the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. As usual, Al- Qaradawi praised Abdullah for his tremendous support for Islamic causes and for endeavoring to unite Muslim ranks. Perhaps al- Qaradawi was not aware that the Abdulla was hand in glove with Israel in slaughtering the Palestinians.

The immediate question is to save the Palestinians before thinking of unity.The need of the hour was for immediate concrete measures to stop the Israeli genocide. Instead displaying sheer hypocrisy and treachery at the opening of the Cairo meeting, Amr Moussa, General Secretary of the Arab League, called for an immediate meeting of rival Palestinian factions as a diversionary ploy.

Responding, the Iranian President Ahmadinejad warned that setting up committees and making speeches would not be an adequate response to the offensive that has killed nearly 400 Palestinians.

“If the Arab League does not want to do anything today, when does it want to act? Aren’t these oppressed Palestinians Arabs? So, when should the capacity of the Arab League be used? The Arab League should act quickly,” said Ahmadinejad who also criticized the United Nations’ failure to rise up to its responsibility and save the Palestinians.

These are the crime records of Zionist Jews with whom the Arab rulers were competing to establish good relations. What a shame?
The Arab rulers have become collaborators with Israel to slaughter their own people to help implement Zionist Jewish evil designs on the Middle East.
Sixty years later today Israel has emerged as the only lawless racist entity of its kind, living up to its illegitimate birth, threatening not only the Middle East, but also the entire world. There is one thing common to all Zionist leaders- from Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu and Yitzhak Rabin to Olmert, Ehud Bark and Tzipi Livini – they are all soaked in Palestinian blood and even the entire perfume industry in the world will not be able to purify them of their sins.
War crimes or human rights violations committed by the major powers or their allies in particular are always treated with impunity, not necessarily according to different yardsticks and standards and go unpunished. The prospects are certainly not encouraging in the case of Israel, which has long been allowed by its Western sponsors to violate a string of UN Security Council resolutions, while other states in the region are subjected to lethal sanctions, and bombing attacks for their transgressions.

The state of Israel is a unique in the sense this is the only case in known history where:

· Sons of the soil, Palestinians, who lived there for more than 4,000 years, were killed and kicked out at gunpoint to languish as refugees in abject poverty to accommodate Jews who hade not even set eyes on this land.

· Jews from any part of the world could settle down in the occupied Palestinian lands, only because they are Jews, whereas the Palestinians, driven out of their homes and still holding the keys to their houses and title deeds for the lands were not permitted to return.

· The United Nations violated its very charter by recognizing a state for these migrant Jews while depriving the sons of the soil, the Palestinians, a home and state on their own lands from where they were driven out.

· History of Zionism has become nothing but a history of crimes, conspiracies, bloodshed, murders, massacres and lawlessness.

· Israel – The only entity in known history that repeatedly elects mass murderers and war criminals as prime ministers.

· The only entity that has caused unprecedented damage to the image of righteous Jews.

· The only entity where a Rabbi, Jewish priest, supposed to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet Moses and occupying Palestinian land could proudly say that the lives of one million Palestinians are not worth a fingernail of a Jew and gets away with it.

Western leaders dare not utter a word against the Zionists and their crimes, as they are well aware of the disastrous consequences. The international Jewry will react promptly and ruthlessly, bring out their skeletons from the cupboards, disgrace and finish them off once and for all. Just to cite two cases were the plight of former UN Secretary General Kurt Waldhiem who later became Austrian Chancellor and failed to please the Zionists and the former US President Bill Clinton, who was disgraced by the scandalous sex liaison with Monica Lewinsky, when he tried to negotiate peace between Israel and Palestinians was not to their liking.

The situation is such that the leaders of the West and even the Middle East simply need to listen to the dictates of international Jewry which brutally controls the economy, finance, industry, media, entertainment and thereby the politics, political establishments and politicians and rule as the invisible force behind the throne in the entire West and thus the world. The philosophy is “toe the line, turn a blind eye to their crimes to survive and thrive. Or else stand up to Jewish crimes, face their wrath, suffer in disgrace and ruin your life”.
Sixty years of Zionist Jews’ crime records have proved beyond doubt that they are not normal human beings with normal human feelings and respect to the feelings of others. Instead they have become heartless and merciless people hell bent on, usurping others basic rights, grabbing others lands and harming others under various pretexts and that too in the most brutal manner which may even make Hitler shy.
One should not forget that the Zionism was described United Nations General Assembly Resolution as a “form of racism”. There is no place for thousands of years of cherished human values in their philosophy For example, Rabbi Yaacov said that “one million Arabs were not worth a Jewish fingernail. Reiterating this Israeli Prime Minister said in 1988 that “Palestinians would be crushed like grasshoppers… heads smashed against the boulders and walls while Menachem Begin described the Palestinians as “beasts walking on two legs”. These are the Jewish leaders accepted by the so-called civilised West.

What is appalling is that even some Arab leaders, ignoring the suffering Palestinians and their legitimate cause, opted to recognise and deal with the Zionists while some developing countries, including giants among them, have conveniently dropped the Palestinians in their rush to embrace and deal with the Zionists!

Now that the whole world including leaders in some Muslim countries too have turned against Muslims where do we Muslims stand and what do we do to save ourselves from future carnages? Ends


Posted in Zionism with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 22, 2009 by indonesiaunderground

Zionisme dibawa ke dalam agenda dunia di akhir-akhir abad ke sembilan belas oleh Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), seorang wartawan Yahudi asal Austria. Baik Herzl maupun rekan-rekannya adalah orang-orang yang memiliki keyakinan agama yang sangat lemah, jika tidak ada sama sekali. Mereka melihat “Keyahudian” sebagai sebuah nama ras, bukan sebuah masyarakat beriman. Mereka mengusulkan agar orang-orang Yahudi menjadi sebuah ras terpisah dari bangsa Eropa, yang mustahil bagi mereka untuk hidup bersama, dan bahwa penting artinya bagi mereka untuk membangun tanah air mereka sendiri. Mereka tidak mengandalkan pemikiran keagamaan ketika memutuskan tanah air manakah itu seharusnya. Theodor Herzl, sang pendiri Zionisme, suatu kali memikirkan Uganda, dan ini lalu dikenal sebagai “Uganda Plan.” Sang Zionis kemudian memutuskan Palestina. Alasannya adalah Palestina dianggap sebagai “tanah air bersejarah bagi orang-orang Yahudi”, dibandingkan segala kepentingan keagamaan apa pun yang dimilikinya untuk mereka.

Petani dan Tembok Ratapan di depannya, yang menggambarkan pemimpin Zionis Max Nordau, Theodor Herzl, dan Prof. Mandelstamm, melukiskan “Impian Zionis.”

Sang Zionis melakukan upaya-upaya besar untuk mengajak orang-orang Yahudi lainnya menerima gagasan yang tak sesuai agama ini. Organisasi Zionis Dunia yang baru melakukan upaya propaganda besar di hampir semua negara yang berpenduduk Yahudi, dan mulai berpendapat bahwa Yahudi tidak dapat hidup dengan damai dengan bangsa-bangsa lainnya dan bahwa mereka adalah “ras” yang terpisah. Oleh karena itu, mereka harus bergerak dan menduduki Palestina. Sebagian besar orang Yahudi mengabaikan himbauan ini.

Menurut negarawan Israel Amnon Rubinstein: “Zionisme (dulu) adalah sebuah pengkhianatan atas tanah air mereka (Yahudi) dan sinagog para Rabbi”.15 Oleh karena itu banyak orang-orang Yahudi yang mengkritik ideologi Zionisme. Rabbi Hirsch, salah satu pemimpin keagamaan terkemuka saat itu berkata, “Zionisme ingin menamai orang-orang Yahudi sebagai sebuah lembaga nasional…. yang merupakan sebuah penyimpangan.”16

Pemikir Islam Prancis yang terkenal Roger Garaudy melukiskan hal ini dalam sebuah pembahasan:

Musuh terburuk keyakinan Yahudi yang jauh ke depan adalah logika para nasionalis, rasis, dan kolonialis dari Zionisme kebangsaan, yang dilahirkan dari nasionalisme, rasisme, dan kolonialisme abad ke-19 di Eropa. Logika ini, yang menginspirasi semua penjajahan Barat dan semua perang antara satu nasionalisme dengan nasionalisme lainnya, adalah sebuah logika yang membunuh diri sendiri. Tidak ada masa depan atau keamanan bagi Israel dan tidak ada keamanan di Timur Tengah kecuali jika Israel meninggalkan paham Zionismenya dan kembali ke agama Ibrahim, yang adalah warisan bersama, bersifat keagamaan, dan persaudaraan dari tiga agama wahyu: Yudaisme, Nasrani, dan Islam.17

Dengan cara ini, Zionisme memasuki politik dunia sebagai sebuah ideologi rasis yang menganut paham bahwa Yahudi seharusnya tidak hidup bersama dengan bangsa-bangsa lain. Pertama-tama, ini adalah gagasan yang keliru yang menciptakan masalah parah bagi dan tekanan atas orang-orang Yahudi yang hidup dalam belenggu ini. Kemudian, bagi orang-orang Islam di Timur Tengah, paham ini membawa kebijakan Israel tentang pendudukan dan perebutan wilayah bersama-sama dengan kemiskinan, teror, pertumpahan darah, dan kematian.

Pendeknya, Zionisme sebenarnya adalah sebuah bentuk nasionalisme sekuler yang berasal dari filsafat sekuler, bukan dari agama. Akan tetapi, seperti dalam bentuk nasionalisme lainnya, Zionisme juga berusaha menggunakan agama untuk tujuannya sendiri.

Kesalahan Penafsiran Taurat oleh Para Zionis

Taurat adalah sebuah kitab suci yang diwahyukan kepada Nabi Musa. Allah berkata dalam Al-Qur’an: “Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan Kitab Taurat di dalamnya (ada) petunjuk dan cahaya (yang menerangi)…” (Al-Qur’an, 5:44). Al-Qur’an juga berkata bahwa Taurat kemudian akan dikotori oleh perkataan manusia di dalamnya. Inilah kenapa apa yang kita miliki saat ini adalah “Taurat yang menyimpang.”

Akan tetapi, sebuah penelitian lebih dekat mengungkap adanya kebanyakan kebenaran agama yang terkandung dalam Kitab yang pernah diwahyukan ini, seperti keimanan kepada Allah, penghambaan diri kepada-Nya, bersyukur kepada-Nya, takut kepada Allah, cinta kepada Allah, keadilan, kasih sayang, cinta kasih, melawan kekejaman dan ketidakadilan, yang semuanya ditemukan di seluruh Taurat dan kitab lainnya dari Perjanjian Lama.

Terlepas dari ini, perang yang terjadi dalam sejarah dan pembunuhan yang terjadi karenanya juga disebutkan di dalam Taurat. Jika manusia ingin menemukan sebuah dasar, meskipun dengan memutarbalikkan kenyataan, untuk kekejaman, pembantaian, dan pembunuhan, mereka bisa menjadikan bab-bab dalam Taurat tersebut sebagai acuan. Zionisme memilih cara mutlak yang mengesahkan terorismenya, yang sebenarnya adalah sebuah terorisme fasis. Dan, ini sangat berhasil. Misalnya, Zionisme menggunakan bab-bab (dari Taurat) yang terkait dengan perang dan pembantaian untuk mengesahkan pembantaian orang-orang Palestina yang tak berdosa. Padahal, ini adalah sebuah penafsiran menyimpang yang disengaja. Zionisme menggunakan agama untuk mengesahkan fasismenya dan ideologi rasisnya.

Para Zionis juga mendasarkan pernyataan mereka pada penafsiran mereka tentang ayat-ayat yang berhubungan dengan “orang pilihan” yang pernah dikaruniakan Allah kepada orang Yahudi suatu kali. Beberapa ayat Al-Qur’an berhubungan dengan persoalan ini:

Hai Bani Israil, ingatlah akan ni’mat-Ku yang telah Aku anugerahkan kepadamu dan (ingatlah pula) bahwasanya Aku telah melebihkan kamu atas segala umat45. (Qur’an, 2:47)

Dan sesungguhnya telah Kami berikan kepada Bani Israil Al Kitab (Taurat), kekuasaan dan kenabian dan Kami berikan kepada mereka rezki-rezki yang baik dan Kami lebihkan mereka atas bangsa-bangsa (pada masanya). (Qur’an, 45:16)

Al-Qur’an menerangkan bagaimana pada suatu kali Allah memberkati orang-orang Yahudi, dan bagaimana pada kali lainnya Dia menjadikan mereka berkuasa atas bangsa-bangsa lain. Namun ayat-ayat ini tidaklah menyiratkan “orang pilihan” seperti apa yang dipahami orang-orang Yahudi radikal. Ayat-ayat tersebut menunjukkan kenyataan bahwa banyak nabi-nabi yang datang dari keturunan ini, dan bahwa orang-orang Yahudi memerintah di daerah yang luas pada saat itu. Ayat-ayat tersebut menerangkan bahwa dengan berkat kedudukan kekuasaan mereka, mereka “lebih diutamakan di atas semua manusia lain.” Ketika mereka menolak Isa, ciri ini pun berakhir.

Al-Qur’an menyatakan bahwa orang yang terpilih tersebut adalah para nabi dan orang-orang beriman yang Allah tunjuki kepada kebenaran. Ayat-ayat ini menyebutkan bahwa para nabi itu telah dipilih, ditunjuki jalan yang benar, dan diberkati. Berikut ini adalah beberapa ayat yang terkait dengan persoalan ini:

Dan tidak ada yang benci kepada agama Ibrahim, melainkan orang yang memperbodoh dirinya sendiri, dan sungguh Kami telah memilihnya90 di dunia dan sesungguhnya dia di akhirat benar-benar termasuk orang-orang yang saleh. ( Qur’an, 2: 130 )

Dan Kami lebihkan (pula) derajat sebahagian dari bapak-bapak mereka, keturunan dan saudara-saudara mereka. Dan Kami telah memilih mereka (untuk menjadi nabi-nabi dan rasul-rasul) dan Kami menunjuki mereka ke jalan yang lurus. Itulah petunjuk Allah, yang dengannya Dia memberi petunjuk kepada siapa yang dikehendakiNya di antara hamba-hambaNya. Seandainya mereka mempersekutukan Allah, niscaya lenyaplah dari mereka amalan yang telah mereka kerjakan. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang telah Kami berikan kitab, hikmat dan kenabian Jika orang-orang (Quraisy) itu mengingkarinya, maka sesungguhnya Kami akan menyerahkannya kepada kaum yang sekali-kali tidak akan mengingkarinya. (Qur’an, 6:87-89)

Mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang telah diberi ni’mat oleh Allah, yaitu para nabi dari keturunan Adam, dan dari orang-orang yang Kami angkat bersama Nuh, dan dari keturunan Ibrahim dan Israil, dan dari orang-orang yang telah Kami beri petunjuk dan telah Kami pilih. Apabila dibacakan ayat-ayat Allah Yang Maha Pemurah kepada mereka, maka mereka menyungkur dengan bersujud dan menangis. ( Qur’an, 19:58 )

Namun orang-orang Yahudi radikal, yang mempercayai keterangan menyimpang, melihat “orang yang terpilih” sebagai ciri kebangsaan sehingga mereka menganggap setiap orang Yahudi terlahir unggul dan bahwa Bani Israil selamanya dianggap unggul dari semua manusia lainnya.

Penyimpangan kedua yang terbesar dari sudut pandang ini menampilkan anggapan keunggulan ini sebagai “suatu perintah untuk melakukan kekejaman atas bangsa lain.” Untuk tujuan ini, para Zionis membenarkan perilaku mereka melalui kebencian-kebencian turun-temurun yang bisa ditemukan dalam beberapa hal pada Yudaisme Talmud. Menurut pandangan ini, hal yang lumrah bagi orang-orang Yahudi untuk menipu orang-orang non-Yahudi, untuk merampas hak milik dan bangunan mereka, dan, ketika diperlukan bahkan membunuh mereka, termasuk wanita dan anak-anak.18 Kenyataan menunjukkan, semua ini adalah kejahatan yang melecehkan agama sejati, karena Allah memerintahkan kita untuk melestarikan keadilan, kejujuran, dan hak orang-orang tertindas, dan hidup dalam kedamaian dan cinta.

Lebih jauh lagi, pernyataan anti-non-Yahudi ini bertentangan dengan Taurat itu sendiri, seperti ayat-ayat yang mengutuk penindasan dan kekejaman. Akan tetapi, ideologi rasis Zionisme mengabaikan ayat-ayat seperti itu untuk menciptakan sistem kepercayaan berdasarkan amarah dan kebencian. Tanpa mempedulikan pengaruh ideologi Zionis, beberapa orang Yahudi yang benar-benar percaya pada Allah akan mengetahui bahwa agama mereka mengajarkan mereka untuk tunduk pada ayat-ayat lainnya ini yang memuji perdamaian, cinta, kasih, dan perilaku etis, seperti:

Janganlah kamu berbuat curang dalam peradilan; janganlah engkau membela orang kecil dengan tidak sewajarnya dan janganlah engkau terpengaruh oleh orang-orang besar, tetapi engkau harus mengadili orang sesamamu dengan kebenaran. Janganlah engkau pergi kian ke mari menyebarkan fitnah di antara orang-orang sebangsamu; janganlah engkau mengancam hidup sesamamu manusia; Akulah Tuhan. Janganlah engkau membenci saudaramu di dalam hatimu, tetapi engkau harus berterus terang menegur orang sesamamu dan janganlah engkau mendatangkan dosa kepada dirimu karena dia. (Perjanjian Lama, Imamat, 19:15-17)

Hai manusia, telah diberitahukan kepadamu apa yang baik. Dan apakah yang dituntut Tuhan dari padamu: selain berlaku adil, mencintai kesetiaan, dan hidup dengan rendah hati di hadapan Allahmu?” ( Perjanjian Lama, Mikha, 6:8 )

Jangan membunuh. Jangan berzinah. Jangan mencuri. Jangan mengucapkan saksi dusta tentang sesamamu. Jangan mengingini rumah sesamamu … (Perjanjian Lama, Keluaran, 20:13-17)

Menurut Al-Qur’an pun, perang hanyalah khusus sebagai sarana mempertahankan diri. Bahkan jika perang akan diumumkan dalam suatu masyarakat, kehidupan orang-orang tak berdosa dan aturan hukum harus dilindungi. Suatu perintah untuk membunuh wanita, anak-anak, dan orang-orang tua tidak dapat disampaikan oleh agama manapun, kecuali hanya oleh tipu-daya yang berkedok agama. Dalam Al-Qur’an, Allah tidak hanya mengutuk jenis kebencian seperti ini namun juga menyatakan bahwa semua manusia sama dalam pandangan-Nya dan bahwa kelebihan seseorang itu tidaklah didasarkan pada ras, keturunan, atau segala kelebihan keduniaan lainnya, melainkan pada ketakwaan – cinta bagi dan kedekatan kepada Allah.

Hai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara kamu disisi Allah ialah orang yang paling taqwa diantara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal. (Qur’an, 49:13)

Terlepas dari kedok agamanya yang palsu, alasan sesungguhnya dari ketidakmanusiawian dan kekejaman Zionisme adalah hubungannya dengan mentalitas penjajahan Eropa di abad kesembilan belas. Penjajahan bukan semata sebuah sistem politik atau ekonomi; penjajahan juga sekaligus sebuah ideologi. Zionisme, yang percaya bahwa negara-negara industri Barat mempunyai hak untuk menjajah dan menduduki bangsa-bangsa terkebelakang di wilayah ini, melihat ini sebagai akibat alami dari sebuah proses “seleksi alam” internasional. Dengan kata lain, Zionisme adalah sebuah produk Darwinisme Sosial. Dalam kerangka ideologi ini, Inggris menjajah India, Afrika Selatan, dan Mesir. Prancis menjajah Indocina, Afrika Utara, dan Guyana. Karena terinspirasi oleh contoh-contoh ini, para Zionis memutuskan untuk menjajah Palestina bagi orang-orang Yahudi.

Kolonialisme Zionis menjadi jauh lebih buruk dibanding “rekan-rekannya” Inggris dan Prancis, karena paling tidak mereka (Inggris dan Prancis) mengizinkan daerah pendudukan mereka untuk hidup (setelah menyerah) dan bahkan memberi sumbangan kepada negara pendudukan dengan pendidikan, pemerintahan yang adil, dan prasarana. Namun, seperti yang akan kita lihat nanti, para Zionis tidak mengakui hak-hak orang Palestina untuk hidup; mereka melakukan pembersihan etnis, dan tidak memberi apa pun kepada orang-orang yang mereka jajah. Anda mungkin bahkan berkata mereka tidak memberi satu batu bata pun bagi orang-orang Palestina.

Pertentangan Zionisme dengan Yahudi

Sifat lainnya dari Zionisme adalah kepercayaannya kepada tema-tema propaganda palsu, mungkin yang paling penting adalah semboyan “sebuah tanah tanpa manusia untuk seorang manusia tanpa tanah.” Dengan kata lain, Palestina, “tanah tanpa manusia” harus diberikan kepada orang-orang Yahudi, “manusia tanpa tanah.” Dalam 20 tahun pertama abad kedua puluh, Organisasi Zionis Dunia menggunakan semboyan ini dengan sepenuh hati untuk meyakinkan pemerintahan Eropa, khususnya Inggris dan rakyatnya bahwa Palestina harus diserahkan kepada orang-orang Yahudi. Pada tahun 1917, akibat kampanye persuasifnya, Inggris mengumumkan Deklarasi Balfour bahwa “Pemerintahan Yang Mulia memandang pentingnya pendirian di Palestina sebuah tanah air nasional bagi orang-orang Yahudi… di Palestina.”

Kenyataan menunjukkan, semboyan “tanah tanpa manusia untuk manusia tanpa tanah” ini tidaklah benar. Ketika gerakan Zionis dimulai, orang-orang Yahudi tidaklah “tanpa tanah” dan Palestina pun bukannya tanpa manusia…

Orang-orang Yahudi tidaklah tanpa tanah karena sebagian besar mereka hidup di berbagai negara dengan damai dan aman. Khususnya di negara-negara industri Barat, persekutuan ibadat Yahudi tidak punya keluhan apa pun tentang kehidupan mereka. Bagi sebagian besar mereka, gagasan meninggalkan negara mereka untuk pindah ke Palestina tidak pernah terlintas dalam benak mereka. Kenyataan ini akan muncul belakangan ketika ajakan Zionis untuk “Pindah ke Palestina” secara luas diabaikan. Dalam tahun-tahun berikutnya, orang-orang Yahudi anti-Zionis yang kita bicarakan ini secara aktif menolak gerakan Zionis melalui ikatan-ikatan yang mereka dirikan sendiri.

Menerima dukungan resmi dengan Deklarasi Balfour, para Zionis merasakan dirinya berada dalam keadaan yang sulit ketika banyak saudara-saudara Yahudinya menolak pindah. Dalam hal ini, pernyataan Chaim Weizman sangat menohok:

Deklarasi Balfour pada 1917 diputuskan di awang-awang… setiap hari dan setiap jam dalam 10 tahun terakhir ini, ketika membuka surat kabar, saya berpikir: kapan hembusan angin surga lainnya datang? Saya terguncang karena takut Pemerintah Inggris akan memanggil saya dan bertanya: “Beritahu kami, apakah Organisasi Zionis ini? Di manakah mereka, para Zionismu?”… Orang-orang Yahudi, mereka tahu, menentang kami; kami berdiri sendiri di sebuah pulau kecil, sebuah kelompok Yahudi yang amat kecil dengan masa lalu yang asing.19

Surat yang dikirim oleh Menteri Luar Negeri Inggris Sir Arthur Balfour pada Lord Rothschild yang dikenal sebagai “Deklarasi Balfour.” Kanan: gambar surat aslinya; Atas: Sir Balfour.

Oleh karena itu para Zionis mulai terlibat dalam “kegiatan-kegiatan khusus” untuk “mendorong” pindahnya orang Yahudi ke Palestina, bahkan memaksa jika diperlukan, seperti mengganggu orang-orang Yahudi di negara-negara asalnya dan bekerja sama dengan para anti-Semit untuk meyakinkan bahwa pemerintah akan mengusir orang-orang Yahudi. (Lihat Harun Yahya, Soykirim Vahseti (The Holocaust Violence,), Vural Yayincilik, Istambul, 2002). Dengan demikian, Zionisme mengembangkannya sebagai gerakan yang mengganggu dan menteror rakyatnya sendiri.

Sekitar 100.000 orang Yahudi pindah ke Palestina antara tahun 1920-1929.20 Jika kita merenungkan bahwa ada 750.000 orang Palestina pada saat itu, maka 100.000 pasti bukanlah jumlah yang kecil. Organisasi Zionis memegang kendali penuh atas perpindahan ini. Orang-orang Yahudi yang menginjakkan kaki di Palestina ditemui oleh kelompok Zionis, yang menentukan di mana mereka akan tinggal dan pekerjaan apa yang akan mereka lakukan. Perpindahan ini didorong oleh pemimpin-pemimpin Zionis dengan berbagai imbalan. Akibat upaya yang giat di seluruh Palestina, Eropa, dan Rusia, penduduk Yahudi di Palestina mencatat pertumbuhan yang pesat dalam hal jumlah dan tempat tinggalnya. Bersamaan dengan adanya peningkatan kekuasaan Partai Nazi, orang-orang Yahudi di Jerman menghadapi tekanan yang semakin meningkat, suatu perkembangan yang semakin mendorong perpindahan mereka ke Palestina. Kenyataan Zionis mendukung penindasan Yahudi ini adalah sebuah fakta, dan masih menjadi salah satu rahasia sejarah yang paling terpendam. (Lihat Harun Yahya, Soykirim Vahseti (The Holocaust Violence), Vural Yayincilik, Istanbul, 2002)

Pertentangan Zionisme dengan Masyarakat Arab

Para Zionis tidak diragukan lagi telah melakukan kekejaman terburuk kepada orang-orang yang memiliki “sebuah tanah tanpa manusia”: orang-orang Palestina. Semenjak hari ketika Zionisme memasuki Palestina, para pengikutnya telah berusaha untuk menghancurkan orang-orang Palestina. Untuk memberi ruang bagi para imigran Yahudi, baik dipengaruhi oleh gagasan Zionis maupun takut pada anti-Semitisme, orang-orang Palestina terus ditekan, diasingkan, dan diusir dari rumah-rumah dan tanah mereka. Gerakan untuk menduduki dan mengasingkan ini, yang didorong oleh didirikannya Israel pada tahun 1948, menghancurkan kehidupan ratusan ribu orang-orang Palestina. Hingga hari ini, sekitar 3,5 juta orang Palestina masih berjuang untuk kehidupannya sebagai pengungsi dalam keadaan yang paling sulit.

Semenjak 1920an, perpindahan orang Yahudi yang diorganisir oleh Zionis telah dengan mantap mengubah keadaan demografi Palestina dan telah menjadi sebab terpenting berkepanjangannya pertentangan. Statistik yang terkait dengan peningkatan penduduk Yahudi ini secara langsung membuktikan kenyataan ini. Angka-angka ini adalah petunjuk penting tentang bagaimana sebuah kekuatan penjajahan dari luar negeri, kekuatan tanpa hak hukum atas tanah tersebut datang untuk merampok hak-hak penduduk asli.

Menurut catatan-catatan resmi, jumlah imigran Yahudi ke Palestina meningkat dari 100.000 pada tahun 1920an menjadi 232.000 pada tahun 1930an.21 Hingga 1939, penduduk Palestina yang jumlahnya 1,5 juta jiwa telah termasuk 445.000 orang Yahudi. Jumlah mereka, yang hanya 10% saja dari jumlah penduduk 20 tahun sebelumnya, sekarang menjadi 30% dari seluruh penduduk. Pemukiman Yahudi juga berkembang pesat, dan per 1939 orang-orang Yahudi memiliki dua kali dari jumlah tanah yang mereka miliki pada tahun 1920an.

1920 (September-Oktober)

Pengumuman resmi Deklarasi Balfour menandai awal perpindahan Yahudi besar-besaran dan cepat ke Palestina. Tabel di kiri memperlihatkan jumlah orang Yahudi yang pindah ke Palestina antara 1920 dan 1929. Selama masa ini, sekitar 100.000 orang Yahudi memasuki Palestina.

British Government, The Political History of Palestine under the British Administration, Palestine Royal Commision Report, Cmd. 5479, 1937, hlm. 279

Per 1947, ada 630.000 orang Yahudi di Palestina dan 1,3 juta orang Palestina. Antara 29 November 1947, ketika Palestina diberi dinding pembatas oleh PBB, dengan 15 Mei 1948, organisasi teroris Zionis mencaplok tiga perempat Palestina. Selama masa itu, jumlah orang-orang Palestina yang tinggal di 500 kota besar, kota kecil, dan desa turun drastis dari 950.000 menjadi 138.000 akibat serangan dan pembantaian. Beberapa di antaranya terbunuh, beberapa terusir.22

Dalam menjelaskan kebijakan pendudukan yang diterapkan Isrel pada tahun 1948, revisionis Israel yang terkenal, Ilan Pappe membuka sebuah rahasia, rencana tak tertulis untuk mengusir orang-orang Arab dari Palestina. Menurut rencana ini, setiap desa atau pemukiman Arab yang tidak menyerah kepada kekuatan Yahudi, yang tidak akan mengibarkan bendera putih, akan dibumihanguskan, dihancurkan, dan orang-orangnya diusir. Setelah keputusan ini dilaksanakan, hanya empat desa yang mengibarkan bendera putih; kota-kota dan desa-desa lainnya pasti akan menjadi sasaran pengusiran.23

Dengan cara ini, 400 desa Palestina terhapus dari peta selama 1949-1949. Hak milik yang ditinggalkan orang-orang Palestina dikuasai oleh orang-orang Yahudi, atas dasar Hukum Hak Milik Tak Ditempati. Hingga tahun 1947, kepemilikan tanah orang-orang Yahudi di Palestina adalah sekitar 6%. Pada saat negara Israel resmi didirikan, kepemilikan itu telah mencapai 90% dari seluruh tanah.24

Kelompok imigran ilegal yang diorganisir oleh pemimpin Zionis berhasil mencapai Palestina meski
menghadapi hambatan serius.

Setiap kedatangan orang Yahudi yang baru berarti kekejaman, tekanan, dan kekerasan baru terhadap orang-orang Palestina. Untuk memberi tempat tinggal bagi pendatang baru, organisasi Zionis menggunakan tekanan dan kekuatan untuk mengusir orang-orang Palestina dari tanahnya, yang telah mereka tempati selama berabad-abad, dan pindah ke padang pasir. Joseph Weitz, kepala komite transfer pemerintah Israel pada tahun 1948 menuliskan dalam buku hariannya pada 20 Desember 1940:

Pasti telah jelas bahwa tidak ada ruang untuk dua rakyat dalam negara ini. Tidak ada perkembangan yang akan membawa kita semakin dekat dengan tujuan kita, untuk menjadi rakyat merdeka dalam negara kecil ini. Setelah orang-orang Arab dipindahkan, negara ini akan terbuka luas bagi kita; dengan masih adanya orang Arab yang tinggal, negara ini akan tetap sempit dan terbatas. Satu-satunya jalan adalah memindahkan orang-orang Arab dari sini ke negara-negara tetangga. Semua mereka. Tidak ada satu desa pun, atau satu suku pun yang harus tertinggal.25


Gelombang perpindahan orang-orang Yahudi tetap tak surut selama Palestina ditangani Inggris. Akibat upaya yang dilakukan oleh tokoh-tokoh Zionis, sebanyak 232.000 orang Yahudi bermukim di Palestina antara 1930-1939.

British British Government, The Political History of Palestine under the British Administration, Palestine Royal Commision Report, Cmd. 5479, 1937, hlm. 279

Heilburn, ketua komite pemilihan kembali Jenderal Shlomo Lahat, walikota Tel Aviv, menyatakan pandangan Zionis tentang orang-orang Palestina dalam kata-kata berikut: “Kita harus membunuh semua orang-orang Palestina kecuali mereka tunduk tinggal di sini sebagai budak.”26 Banjir kedatangan imigran yang disebabkan oleh pecahnya Perang Dunia II membuat orang-orang Palestina sadar akan apa yang terjadi, sehingga mulai menolak tindakan-tindakan yang tidak adil. Namun, setiap gerakan penolakan dihentikan dengan paksa oleh kekuatan Inggris. Orang-orang Palestina merasakan dirinya berada di bawah tekanan organisasi teroris Zionis di satu sisi, dan tentara-tentara Inggris di sisi lain. Dengan kata lain, mereka menjadi sasaran kepungan dua musuh.

Gambar di kiri menunjukkan orang-orang Yahudi yang pindah ke Palestina pada 1930. Gambar di atas memperlihatkan Yahudi yang tiba pada tahun 1947. Sebelum orang-orang Palestina mengerti apa arti perpindahan ini untuk masa depan mereka, perbandingan penduduk di daerah ini bergeser untuk keuntungan Yahudi.

1) Negara tempat perpindahan di mulai
2) Jumlah Imigran Yahudi
3) Akhir perpindahan
Program perpindahan yang diorganisir oleh para pemimpin Zionis diejawantahkan dengan kecepatan mengejutkan, dimulai pada awal 1900an. Orang-orang Yahudi yang pindah dari Afrika Utara, Uni Soviet, dan berbagai negara Timur Tengah menggeser perbandingan penduduk di Palestina untuk keuntungan orang-orang Yahudi.

Selama kekuasaan Inggris, lebih dari 1500 orang Palestina yang berjuang untuk kemerdekaannya terbunuh dalam pertempuran yang dilakukan oleh tentara-tentara Inggris. Di samping itu, ada pula beberapa orang Palestina yang ditahan oleh Inggris karena menentang pendudukan Yahudi. Tekanan pemerintah Inggris menyebabkan kekerasan serius terhadap mereka. Namun, terorisme Zionis tak terbandingkan kekejamannya. Kekejaman Zionis, yang pecah begitu berakhirnya Kekuasaan Inggris, meliputi pembakaran desa-desa, penembakan wanita, anak-anak, dan orang tua seolah sebuah hukuman mati; penyiksaan korban-korban tak berdosa,; dan pemerkosaan wanita-wanita dewasa dan remaja.

Sekitar 850.000 orang Palestina yang tidak tahan akan kekejaman dan penindasan ini meninggalkan tanah dan rumah mereka dan tinggal di Tepi Barat, Jalur Gaza, serta di sepanjang perbatasan Libanon dan Yordania. Sekitar satu juta orang Palestina masih tinggal di kamp-kamp pengungsian ini, sementara 3,5 juta lainnya tinggal sebagai pengungsi-pengungsi jauh dari tanah air mereka.

Tanah Palestina Dibagi

1) Wilayah Inggris
2) Wilayah Arab
3) Wilayah Yahudi
4) Wilayah Internasional
Ketika Palestina berada di bawah kendali Inggris setelah Perang Dunia I, gelombang besar perpindahan Yahudi ke daerah ini dimulai. Perpindahan ini lambat laun mulai meningkat pesat. Selama masa ini, beberapa badan didirikan untuk menentukan bagaimana orang Yahudi dan Palestina berbagi tanah. Badan yang terkenal adalah the Peel Commission, yang dikepalai oleh bekas Menteri Luar Negeri Inggris untuk India Lord Earl Peel, dan Komisi Morrison-Grady, yang dibentuk melalui kemitraan Amerika-Inggris. The Peel Commission mengusulkan agar pengawasan Inggris ditingkatkan dan daerah ini dibagi antar kedua kelompok, hanya Yerusalem dan Haifa yang tetap di bawah kendali Inggris dan akan terbuka untuk pengamat internasional. Morrison-Grady Plan mengusulkan agar Palestina dibagi atas empat daerah kantong terpisah. Namun, anggota badan ini tidak memperhitungkan bahwa tanah yang sedang mereka bagi ini dimiliki oleh orang-orang Palestina selama berabad-abad, dan tak seorang pun punya hak untuk memaksa mereka membaginya bertentangan dengan kehendak mereka.

Polisi Inggris ikut campur dengan paksa ketika orang-orang Palestina memprotes meningkat pesatnya perpindahan Yahudi. Akibat bentrokan di Jaffa pada 1933, sebanyak 30 orang Palestina tewas dan lebih dari 200 orang terluka.

Orang-orang Palestina yang hidup di kamp-kamp pengungsian hari ini menghadapi kesulitan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang paling dasar sekalipun. Mereka hanya bisa menggunakan air dan listrik jika orang Israel mengizinkannya, dan berjalan bermil-mil untuk bekerja demi upah yang amat rendah. Bagi mereka yang pergi bekerja atau mengunjungi kerabat yang tinggal di dekat kamp pengungsian, perjalanan itu seharusnya tidak lebih dari 15 menit saja. Akan tetapi, kejadiannya sering berubah menjadi mimpi buruk karena pemeriksaan identitas di tempat-tempat pemeriksaan yang sering dilakukan, di mana para tentara yang bertugas melakukan kepada mereka pelecehan, penghinaan, dan perendahan. Mereka tidak dapat berpindah dari tempat A ke tempat B tanpa passport. Dan karena tentara-tentara Israel sering menutup jalan untuk alasan “keamanan,” orang-orang Palestina sering tidak dapat pergi bekerja, pergi ke tempat yang ingin mereka tuju, atau bahkan untuk menuju rumah sakit ketika mereka jatuh sakit. Bahkan, orang-orang yang hidup di kamp-kamp pengungsian tiap hari hidup dalam rasa takut akan dibom, dibunuh, dilukai, dan ditahan, karena pemukiman orang-orang Yahudi fanatik di sekitar kamp menjadi ancaman sesungguhnya mengingat pelecehan dan serangan yang dilancarkan oleh penduduk Yahudi fanatiknya.

Tentu, diusir dari rumah dan dipaksa meninggalkan tanah asal seseorang mengakibatkan banyak kesulitan. Namun, inilah takdir Allah. Sepanjang sejarah, masyarakat Muslim telah terusir dari rumah mereka dan menghadapi berbagai jenis tekanan, penyiksaan, dan ancaman oleh orang-orang yang tak beriman. Para pemimpin yang kejam atau orang-orang yang menggunakan kekuasaan sering mengusir orang-orang yang tak berdosa dari tanah mereka hanya karena keturunan atau keyakinan mereka. Apa yang diderita oleh orang-orang Islam di banyak negara, juga orang-orang Palestina, telah diwahyukan di dalam Al-Qur’an. Namun Allah membantu semua orang yang tetap sabar, menunjukkan akhlak terpuji, dan menolak menakut-nakuti orang laii meskipun mengalami kekerasan. Seperti yang Allah nyatakan dalam Al-Qur’an:

Maka Tuhan mereka memperkenankan permohonannya (dengan berfirman): “Sesungguhnya Aku tidak menyia-nyiakan amal orang-orang yang beramal di antara kamu, baik laki-laki atau perempuan, (karena) sebagian kamu adalah turunan dari sebagian yang lain259. Maka orang-orang yang berhijrah, yang diusir dari kampung halamannya, yang disakiti pada jalan-Ku, yang berperang dan yang dibunuh, pastilah akan Ku-hapuskan kesalahan-kesalahan mereka dan pastilah Aku masukkan mereka ke dalam surga yang mengalir sungai-sungai di bawahnya, sebagai pahala di sisi Allah. Dan Allah pada sisi-Nya pahala yang baik.” (Qur’an, 3:195)

Dengan demikian, akan datang suatu hari ketika semua orang-orang Palestina akan hidup dalam kedamaian, keamanan, dan persaudaraan. Tapi ini hanya dimungkinkan dengan menyebarluaskan akhlak Al-Qur’an antar manusia, karena akhlak seperti itu bersifat memaafkan dan toleran; mempertahankan kedamaian; menekankan pada cinta kasih; rasa hormat, dan kasih sayang; dan pengikutnya saling berlomba untuk beramal saleh. Ketika akhlak yang baik mengemuka, penindasan dan gangguan tidak dapat hidup. Dan lebih jauh lagi, ketika akhlak ini ditunjukkan dengan sepenuh hati, persaudaraan Muslim akan meningkat dan mereka akan mendapatkan kekuatan untuk melakukan sebuah perjuangan intelektual melawan kekejaman. Oleh karena itu, menerapkan sistem tata prilaku Qurani akan membawa kita menuju akhir dari kekejaman tidak hanya di Palestina, melainkan juga di seluruh dunia. Kewajiban umat Islam adalah menyebarluaskan tata prilaku tersebut.

Imigran Yahudi yang diajarkan dengan semboyan “Setiap orang harus bekerja dengan satu tangan, dan memegang senjata di tangan lainnya” segera mengambil bagian dalam gerakan Zionis. Sementara beberapa orang mengorganisir demonstrasi dengan spanduk bertuliskan “Yerusalem adalah Milik Kami,” lainnya mengebom desa-desa Palestina.

Dalam bab-bab berikut, kita akan membahas lebih dekat rasa sakit dan kesulitan yang dialami selama bertahun-tahun oleh para pengungsi Palestina. Namun sebelum kita ke sana, kita akan melihat teror Zionis dan teknik yang digunakannya untuk mengusir orang-orang Palestina dari rumah-rumah mereka.

Akibat kepungan selama 3 tahun oleh kekuatan Israel, kamp pengungsian Bourj al-Barajneh di dekat Beirut hancur total. Foto ini menggambarkan keadaan kamp pada tahun 1988.

Orang-orang Palestina yang tinggal di kamp-kamp pengungsian di Libanon dan Yordania masih berjuang mengatasi kesulitan besar selama bertahun-tahun. Kelaparan, wabah penyakit, cuaca buruk, dan berlanjutnya rasa takut akan serangan baru Israel menjadi kenyataan hidup mereka. Pemandangan barak yang didirikan oleh PBB menunjukkan parahnya kemiskinan mereka.

15- Amnon Rubinstein, The Zionist Dream Revisited, hlm. 19
16- Washington Post, Oktober 3, 1978
17- Roger Garaudy, “Right to Reply: Reply to the Media Lynching of Abbe Pierre and Roger Garaudy”, Samizdat, Juni 1996
18- For Talmud’s anti-gentile remarks, see Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion:, The Weight of Three Thousand Years (AMEU: 1994)
19- United Nations Report, “The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem 1917-1988,” New York, 1990, tanda penegasan ditambahkan.
20- British Government, The Political History of Palestine under the British Administration, (Memorandum to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine) Jerusalem, 1947, hlm. 279.
21- Royal Institute of International Affairs, Great Britain and Palestine, (London, Chatham House: 1946), hlm. 61.
22- Ralph Schoenman, The Hidden History of Zionism, (Veritass Press: 1988), tanda penegasan ditambahkan
23- Baudouin Loos, “An Interview of Ilan Pappe,” November 29 1999,
24- Weite Diary, A 24617, entry dated 20 December 1940, Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem, hlm. 1090-1091.

25. Uri Davis, Israel: An Apartheid State (London and New Jersey, Zed Books: 1987), Introduction, tanda penegasan ditambahkan.
26. Schoenman, The Hidden History of Zionism, tanda penegasan ditambahkan.

Source :

Daftar Produk AS yang Diboikot Oleh Para Ulama

Posted in USA, Zionism with tags , , , , , , , on January 22, 2009 by indonesiaunderground


Pizza Hut
Pizza Little Sitzer
Jack in the Box
Baskin Robbins
Dominos Pizza

Produsen Makanan & Minuman AS:


– Pepsi dan anak perusahaannya: Mirinda dan 7up
– Coca-Cola dan anak perusahannya (Anda kalau membaca tulisan Cola-cola dari belakang botol, akan tertulis: no Muhammad, no Mecca): Sprite dan Fanta

Produk Hanes and Crystal: Mayonnaise, Kecap
California Garden and Warner & Lambert
T-Shirt, Sepatu: Semua baju dan sepatu merk Nike (pernah tertulis kata “Allah” dalam sebuah produknya), Adidas, Kate dan Calvin Klein

Peralatan Listrik : Power, Union Air, Clifinitour , Admiral, Harmony, Alaska, Duncan, Motorola, Alcatel.

Baterei: Everydy, Energizer dan Doorsill

Mobil: Ford, Chrysler, Hammer, Chevrolet, Puck

Dan Semua produk General Electric

Perusahaan-Perusahaan AS yang mendanai Zionisme Internasional:


Bahan-bahan Kimia dan pembersih:

1. PT. Procter and Gamble (memproduksi: Oloiez, Pampers, Ferry, Downy, Ariel, Tide, Head and Shoulder, Pantene, Camay, Zeset, Mack Factor, Carmen)

2. PT. Johnson & Johnson (memproduksi: Shower to Shower, Cream Johnson)

3. Nectar

4. Avon

5. Revlon

6. Gardena

7. Pasta gigi Corset

Alat Tulis: Bulpen merk Shiver, Parker dan Hear

Bank Amerika: Bank America International, American Express, Bank of America, Bank of New York
Lain-lain: Rokok AS seperti: Marlboro, Kant, Janstown, Lark, Merit, Gold Cost, Carlton, LM, More.

Para ulama’ tersebut adalah:

1. Prof. DR. Yusuf Qardhawi, Ulama dan Cendekiawan Muslim kondang di seluruh dunia. Kini tinggal di Doha, Qatar.

2. Syeikh Salman bin Fahd Al Audah, ulama’ kharismatik dari Arab Saudi

3. Syeikh Muhammad Saed Ramadhan al Buthi, ulama’ kharismatik tinggal di Suriah

4. Syeikh Abdullah al Jibrin, ulama’ Arab Saudi dan anggota Persatuan Ulama Besar Arab Saudi

5. DR. Hammam Saed dan DR. Muhammad Abu Faris, Intelektual Muslim tinggal Amman, Yordania.

6. DR. Naser Farid Wasil, Mufti Mesir

7. Fatwa Majelis Ulama Sudan

8. Fatwa Majelis Ulama Palestina

Sumber: al Markaz al Filistini lil I’lam (PIC) (abu ais)

Sumber :

A poem for Gaza

Posted in Israel, Palestine, Zionism with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 15, 2009 by indonesiaunderground

(Reuters) The bodies of five Palestinian siblings at a hospital morgue following an Israeli air strike.

By Remi Kanazi

I never knew death until I saw the bombing of a refugee camp
Craters filled with disfigured ankles and splattered torsos
But no sign of a face, the only impression a fading scream
I never understood pain
Until a seven-year-old girl clutched my hand
Stared up at me with soft brown eyes, waiting for answers
But I didn’t have any
I had muted breath and dry pens in my back pocket
That couldn’t fill pages of understanding or resolution

In her other hand she held the key to her grandmother’s house
But I couldn’t unlock the cell that caged her older brothers
They said, we slingshot dreams so the other side will feel our father’s presence
A craftsman
Built homes in areas where no one was building
And when he fell, he was silent
A .50 caliber bullet tore through his neck shredding his vocal cords
Too close to the wall
His hammer must have been a weapon
He must have been a weapon
Encroaching on settlement hills and demographics

So his daughter studies mathematics
Seven explosions times eight bodies
Equals four Congressional resolutions
Seven Apache helicopters times eight Palestinian villages
Equals silence and a second Nakba
Our birthrate minus their birthrate
Equals one sea and 400 villages re-erected
One state plus two peoples…and she can’t stop crying
Never knew revolution or the proper equation
Tears at the paper with her fingertips
Searching for answers
But only has teachers
Looks up to the sky and see stars of David demolishing squalor with hellfire missiles

She thinks back words and memories of his last hug before he turned and fell
Now she pumps dirty water from wells, while settlements divide and conquer
And her father’s killer sits beachfront with European vernacular
She thinks back words, while they think backwards
Of obscene notions and indigenous confusion

This our land!, she said
She’s seven years old
This our land!, she said
And she doesn’t need a history book or a schoolroom teacher
She has these walls, this sky, her refugee camp
She doesn’t know the proper equation
But she sees my dry pens
No longer waiting for my answers
Just holding her grandmother’s key…searching for ink

Source: AJP and Al Jazeera

Israeli weaponry under scrutiny

Posted in Israel, Palestine, Zionism with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 15, 2009 by indonesiaunderground

by Jonathan Cook

NAZARETH, Israel – Concerns about Israel’s use of non-conventional and experimental weapons in the Gaza Strip are growing, with evasive comments from spokesmen and reluctance to allow independent journalists inside the tiny enclave only fuelling speculation.

(Reuters) A subsequent Italian investigation found Israel was using a prototype weapon similar to Dime.

The most prominent controversy is over the use of shells containing white phosphorus, which causes horrific burns when it comes into contact with skin. Under international law, phosphorus is allowed as a smokescreen to protect soldiers but treated as a chemical weapon when used against civilians.

The Israeli army maintains that it is using only weapons authorised in international law, though human rights groups have severely criticised Israel for firing phosphorus shells over densely populated areas of Gaza.

But there might be other unconventional weapons Israel is using out of sight of the watching world.

One such munition may be Dime, or dense inert metal explosives, a weapon recently developed by the U.S. army to create a powerful and lethal blast over a small area.

The munition is supposed to still be in the development stage and is not yet regulated. There are fears, however, that Israel may have received a green light from the U.S. military to treat Gaza as a testing ground.

“We have seen Gaza used as a laboratory for testing what I call weapons from hell,” said David Halpin, a retired British surgeon and trauma specialist who has visited Gaza on several occasions to investigate unusual injuries suffered by Gazans.

“I fear the thinking in Israel is that it is in its interests to create as much mutilation as possible to terrorise the civilian population in the hope they will turn against Hamas.”

Gaza’s doctors, including one of the few foreigners there, Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian specialist in emergency medicine working at Al Shifa hospital in Gaza City, report that many of the injuries they see are consistent with the use of Dime.

Wounds from the weapon are said to be distinctive. Those exposed to the blast have severed or melted limbs, or internal ruptures, especially to soft tissue such as the abdomen, that often lead to death.

There is said to be no shrapnel apart from a fine “dusting” of minute metal particles on damaged organs visible when autopsies are carried out. Survivors of a Dime blast are at increased risk of developing cancer, according to research carried out in the United States.

Traditional munitions, by contrast, cause large wounds wherever shrapnel penetrates the body.

“The power of the explosion dissipates very quickly and the strength does not travel long, maybe 10 metres, but those humans who are hit by this explosion, this pressure wave, are cut in pieces,” Dr Gilbert said in a recent interview.

This is not the first time concerns about Israel’s use of Dime have surfaced in Gaza. Doctors there reported strange injuries they could not treat, and from which patients died unexpectedly days later, during a prolonged wave of Israeli air strikes in 2006.

A subsequent Italian investigation found Israel was using a prototype weapon similar to Dime. Samples from victims in Gaza showed concentrations of unusual metals in their bodies.

Yitzhak Ben-Israel, the former head of the Israeli military’s weapons development programme, appeared familiar with the weapon, telling Italian TV that the short radius of the explosion helped avoid injuries to bystanders, allowing “the striking of very small targets”.

Israeli denials about using weapons banned by international law would not cover Dime because it is not yet officially licensed.

It will be difficult to investigate claims that non-conventional weapons have been used in Gaza until a ceasefire is agreed, but previous inquiries have shown that Israel resorts to such munitions.

The Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has recorded numerous occasions when the Israeli army has fired flechette shells, both in Lebanon and Gaza. The shell releases thousands of tiny metal darts that cause horrible injuries to anyone out in the open.

A Reuters cameraman, Fadel Shana, filmed the firing of such a shell from an Israeli tank in Gaza in April, moments before its flechettes killed him.

Miri Weingarten, a spokeswoman for Physicians for Human Rights, said they were watching out for use of a new flechette-type weapon the Israeli army has developed called kalanit (anemone). An anti-personnel munition, the shell sends out hundreds of small discs.

Israel appears to have used a range of controversial weapons during its attack on Lebanon in 2006. After initial denials, an Israeli government minister admitted that the army had fired phosphorus shells, and the Israeli media widely reported millions of cluster bombs being dropped over south Lebanon.

There are also suspicions that Israel may have used uranium-based warheads. A subsequent inquiry by a British newspaper found elevated levels of radiation at two Israeli missile craters.

Sarit Michaeli, a spokeswoman for B’Tselem, said her organisation had not yet been able to confirm which weapons were being used in Gaza in the current attacks. She added, however, that Israel’s denials about using non-conventional munitions should not be relied on.

“It is true, as the army spokespeople say, that weapons such as phosphorus and flechette shells are not expressly prohibited. But our view is that such weapons, which do not distinguish between combatants and non-combatants, cannot be used legally in a densely populated area like Gaza.”

Reports this month revealed that the United States has been organising massive shipments of arms to Israel, though a Pentagon spokesman denied they were for use in Gaza.

— Jonathan Cook is a writer and journalist based in Nazareth, Israel. His latest books are “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East” (Pluto Press) and “Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair” (Zed Books). His website is A version of this article originally appeared in The National.

Source: Middle East Online and Al Jazeera

Gaza under cloud of white phosphorous

Posted in Israel, Palestine, Zionism with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 15, 2009 by indonesiaunderground

(Reuters) Palestinians flee their houses through smoke during Israel’s offensive in northern Gaza Strip

Live Press TV footage from Gaza City shows parts of the densely populated strip enveloped by fatal clouds of Israeli white phosphorous.

The footage taken moments ago by the crew of Press TV correspondent Akram al-Sattari, present in Gaza City, is further indication of the use of unconventional weapons by Israeli forces in the strip.

White phosphorus, classified as a ‘chemical weapon’ by the U.S. intelligence, is an incendiary material that causes horrific burns, severe injuries or death when it comes in contact with human skin.

Under the Geneva Treaty of 1980, the use of white phosphorous as a weapon is prohibited, however, there is no blanket ban on its use as a smokescreen or for illumination.

Human Rights Watch has warned Israel not to use white phosphorus in Gaza, saying its researchers have observed the use of the chemical weapon by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip.

Despite the presence of photographic and video evidence proving that Israel has been using the controversial weapon in the heavy-populated Gaza City, the Israeli military denies using the chemical against civilians.

Tel Aviv says it is uses white phosphorus shells to create smokescreens to allow its ground forces to operate. Tel Aviv has refused to comment on the types of munitions it is using in the conflict which has so far left over 975 Palestinians dead and more than 4,500 others wounded. Israel has admitted, however, that it used white phosphorus during its 33-day war against Lebanon in 2006.

Source: Press TV and Al Jazeera

“Ngapain Mikir Palestina?”

Posted in Israel, Palestine, Zionism with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 9, 2009 by indonesiaunderground


Oleh Shofwan Al-Banna Choiruzzad

Surabaya , 1945

Langit gelap. Bukan oleh awan yang hendak menurunkan hujan. Angkasa dipenuhi pesawat sekutu yang bergemuruh. Di dalamnya, para serdadu masih menyisakan keangkuhan. Mereka baru saja menghancurkan pasukan Jepang di Front Pasifik.. Dari langit, mereka menebar ancaman: “menyerah, atau hancur”.

Beberapa pekan sebelumnya, pengibaran bendera Belanda memicu amarah para perindu kemerdekaan. Seorang pejuang mencabik warna biru dari bendera Belanda di Tunjungan, menggemakan pesan bahwa negeri ini tak rela kembali dijajah. Tentara sekutu menjawab dengan salakan senapan, bersembunyi di balik alasan “memulihkan perdamaian dan ketertiban”. Jiwa-jiwa merdeka itu berontak. Brigadier Jenderal Mallaby, pimpinan tentara Inggris di Surabaya, terbunuh. Sekutu murka.

Rakyat gelisah. Surabaya telah lama dikenal sebagai salah satu pusat perlawanan. Laskar-laskar dari berbagai pesantren dan daerah banyak yang menjadikan kota ini sebagai markas. Di kota ini pulalah, Cokroaminoto dan Soekarno muda mendiskusikan cita-cita kemerdekaan.

Suara dari lelaki kurus itu menghapus semua keraguan.

“Saudara-saudara rakyat Surabaya .Bersiaplah! Keadaan genting..Tetapi saya peringatkan sekali lagi. Jangan mulai menembak. Baru kalau kita ditembak. Maka kita akan ganti menyerang mereka itu. Kita tunjukkan bahwa kita itu adalah orang yang benar-benar ingin merdeka. Dan untuk kita saudara-saudara. Lebih baik kita hancur lebur daripada tidak merdeka. Semboyan kita tetap. Merdeka atau mati. Dan kita yakin, Saudara-saudara. Akhirnya, pastilah kemenangan akan jatuh ke tangan kita. Sebab Allah selalu berada di pihak yang benar. Percayalah Saudara-saudara! Tuhan akan melindungi kita sekalian.
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Merdeka!”

Peristiwa 10 November 1945 di Surabaya itu akan terus dikenang sebagai tonggak kemerdekaan Indonesia . Semua yang mengaku mencintai negeri ini tidak layak untuk menjadikan peristiwa itu berdebu di pojokan sejarah.

Gaza , peralihan tahun 2008-2009

Kota padat berpenduduk sekitar 1,5 juta orang –mayoritas pengungsi akibat pengusiran biadab Israel sejak tahun 1948, 1967, dan ekspansi ilegal pemukiman yahudi yang tak pernah menghormati perjanjian yang dibuatnya sendiri- itu mencekam. Sejak 27 Desember 2008, pesawat-pesawat Israel yang dilengkapi dengan bom-bom terbaru kiriman Washington membombardir kota ini. Ehud Barak, Menteri Pertahanan Israel , menyatakan bahwa operasi berjudul “Cast Lead” ini akan memakan waktu lama. Hingga hari ini, 510 orang telah meninggal dunia dan ribuan luka-luka. Tidak ada jurnalis diizinkan masuk. Bantuan medis pun kesulitan.

Demonstrasi bergolak dari Jakarta sampai Eropa. Dari Jordania hingga Amerika. Posko bantuan dibuka di mana-mana, meskipun masih sangat kurang dibandingkan kebutuhan penduduk Gaza .


Hati saya sakit saat ada yang berkata: “Ngapain kita ngurusin Palestina, wong negeri kita saja masih amburadul”.

Semoga kita tidak melupakan sejarah bahwa Al-Hajj Amin Al Husaini,
Mufti Palestina, adalah orang pertama yang menyiarkan kemerdekaan
Indonesia di radio internasional.

Alasan yang sepintas terlihat nasionalis ini adalah pengkhianatan kejam pada nasionalisme Indonesia itu sendiri. Preambule Undang-undang Dasar 1945 mendeklarasikan dengan jelas perlawanan pada segala bentuk penjajahan. Soekarno dan Hatta berkali-kali menandaskan bahwa nasionalisme Indonesia tumbuh di taman kemanusiaan. “Jangan pikirkan hal lain kecuali Indonesia ” adalah logika yang menghina keindonesiaan.

Hati saya lebih sakit lagi saat ada yang mengatakan “Itu kan salah HAMAS sendiri yang tidak mau damai dan menembakkan roket! Media di Indonesia terlalu berpihak pada Palestina, nih…gak berimbang!”

Lalu, yang berimbang itu seperti apa? Seperti media massa Barat yang lebih menyalahkan HAMAS, menyiarkan propaganda Israel bahwa serangan ini adalah respon dari tindakan HAMAS menyerang Israel , menyalahkan sikap HAMAS yang memutus gencatan senjata? Sepertinya kita harus menelaah peringatan Finkelstein, seorang ilmuwan Yahudi, dalam bukunya Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and Abuse of History dan Image and Reality of Israel-Palestinian Conflict. Sejarah telah dibajak untuk tidak pernah mengkritisi Israel dan media massa pun tidak bebas dari pembajakan ini. Untuk melihat bias media barat dalam isu Palestina, silakan buka http://www.ifamericansknew .org .

Bahkan, menurut saya, media di Indonesia masih terlalu berpihak pada Israel . Tidak ada yang menyebutkan fakta bahwa pemutusan gencatan bersenjata oleh HAMAS itu didahului oleh surat protes gerakan perlawanan itu atas terbunuhnya 4 orang petani di Gaza oleh tentara Israel . Tidak ada yang mengingatkan bahwa Israel terus melanggar perjanjian damai yang disepakatinya sendiri dengan membiarkan pemukiman ilegal terus tumbuh. Kita juga tak boleh lupa dengan tembok pemisah apartheid Israel yang memutus akses rakyat Palestina pada kebutuhan vital kehidupan. Belum lagi blokade Gaza yang lebih kejam dari Blokade Berlin pada masa Perang Dingin.

“Itu kan salah HAMAS sendiri yang tidak mau damai…”

Sampaikan pernyataan itu pada Bung Tomo dan para pendiri negeri ini. Alhamdulillah, para pendiri negeri ini menolak iming-iming perdamaian palsu di bawah ketiak Ratu Belanda. Soekarno bahkan menantang: “Ini dadaku, mana dadamu!”

Kalau kita menggunakan logika yang sama, berarti kita mendukung Agresi Militer Belanda pada tahun 1948. “Itu kan salah para pejuang kemerdekaan Indonesia yang tidak mau damai!”

Tidak banyak yang mengingatkan bahwa Israel berdiri dengan berkubang darah pembersihan etnis yang menghalalkan pembantaian dan pengusiran terhadap penduduk asli Palestina (Ilan Pappe: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine ). Komunitas Yahudi yang hidup dalam perdamaian di bawah Khilafah Utsmaniyah tiba-tiba dikejutkan oleh kedatangan saudara-saudara mereka yang mengungsi dari kebiadaban Eropa dan membawa ide rasis radikal untuk mendirikan Israel (Amy Dockser Marcus, Jerusalem 1913). Bayangkan, komunitas yahudi saat itu yang sekecil komunitas muslim di Swedia saat ini tiba-tiba menuntut Negara sendiri dengan luas wilayah yang melebihi luas wilayah penduduk aslinya. Kalau muslim di Swedia tiba-tiba menuntut mendirikan Negara Islam, mereka pasti segera dicokok dan dilabeli teroris.

Memori pembantaian ini dihapus dari sejarah dunia dan dari kesadaran rakyat Israel . Pada saat yang bersamaan, kenangan pahit ini terus hidup di antara rakyat Palestina. Maka, sangat sulit bagi orang Palestina untuk menerima perdamaian yang tidak pernah berpihak pada mereka, lha wong keberadaan Israel saja tidak legal! Wajar jika popularitas HAMAS semakin lama justru semakin meningkat.

Indonesia saat itu tegas tidak mengakui Israel karena melihat fakta ini. Sayang, kini banyak yang sudah lupa. Banyak yang terjebak dalam narasi fiktif ” Israel yang cinta damai terancam keberadaannya oleh HAMAS yang ekstrimis yang tidak mau damai”.

Kalaupun kita harus menerima fakta bahwa berdasarkan hukum rimba Israel itu eksis, tidak berarti bahwa kita berhak menyalahkan mereka yang menghendaki perdamaian sejati yang lahir dari kemerdekaan. Saya mendukung proses perdamaian, tapi harus dengan dialog yang adil dan terbuka yang melibatkan HAMAS sebagai kekuatan riil di Timur Tengah..
Tidak sekedar perjanjian sepihak yang dibuat AS dan Israel lalu dipaksakan pada Palestina.

Kemanusiaan. Keindonesiaan. Islam. Ketiganya memaksa saya berpihak pada yang lemah dan tertindas.

“If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything”

Sumber : forwarding email