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Benjamin Netanyahu Pembohong!!

Posted in Israel, USA, Who is The Real Terrorist? with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 17, 2011 by indonesiaunderground

Obama – Sarkozy mengakui bahwa Netanyahu adalah PEMBOHONG!!!

Berikut cuplikan beritanya (disadur dari


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JERUSALEM–Rupa-rupanya sosok Perdana Menteri Israel Benyamin Netanyahu bikin kesal sesama pemimpin negara. Presiden Prancis Nicolas Sarkozy dan Presiden AS Barack Obama ketahuan kesal terhadap Netanyahu.

Dalam salah satu laman Prancis, Arret Aur Images, Sarkozy dikabarkan menyebut Netanyahu sebagai pembohong. Ia mengatakan hal ini ketika bertemu dengan Obama di pertemuan G20 di Cannes, pekan lalu

“Saya tak tahan melihat Netanyahu. Dia itu pembohong,” kata Sarkozy, seperti dikutip dari Jerusalem Post, Selasa.

Obama pun tak kalah kesal. Melihat Sarkozy dongkol, Obama mengatakan, “Anda kesal, tapi saya harus berurusan dengan Netanyahu setiap hari.”

Menurut laman berita tersebut, gumaman dua pemimpin negara adidaya ini rupanya terdengar oleh telinga jurnalis yang tengah meliput G20, 3 November lalu. Mengapa bisa demikian? Ada kesalahan teknis yang membuat mereka tak sengaja mendengar percakapan rahasia via monitor itu.

Tapi sehari kemudian, apa yang dikatakan Sarkozy berbeda. Sarkozy mengutuk program nuklir Iran, dan mengatakan Prancis akan bertindak bila keamanan Israel terancam.


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PARIS – Presiden Perancis, Nicolas Sarkozy, Kamis lalu tak menyadari bahwa mikrofon di ruang pertemuan di KTT G20 di Cannes sedang menyala, saat ia menyebut Benjamin Netanyahu sebagai  “pembohong”

“Saya tidak tahan dengan Netanyahu, dia pembohong,” kata Sarkozy pada Presiden Amerika Serikat, Barack Obama.

Obama, yang juga tak menyadari bahwa mikrofon telah diaktifkan dan sedang dipantau oleh wartawan melalui headset, mengungkapkan hal yang sama.

“Anda muak dengan dia, bagaimana dengan saya yang harus berurusan dengan dia bahkan lebih sering daripada Anda,” jawab Obama, seperti ditulis koran Haaretz yang terbit di Israel.

Obama juga mengeluh kepada Sarkozy tentang suara Prancis yang mendukung keanggotaan Palestina di UNESCO, dan memintanya untuk memberitahu Palestina untuk menghentikan langkah sepihak mereka di PBB.

“Kita harus memberlakukan sanksi ekonomi pada Palestina,” kata Obama.

Beberapa wartawan, termasuk beberapa dari dari organisasi media besar, mendengar pembicaraan itu tetapi tidak melaporkan  pada awalnya. Para wartawan saat itu sepakat, memberitakannya akan merupakan pelanggaran atas etika jurnalistik.

Namun, satu media Prancis, Arret Sur Images, memutuskan untuk membukanya secara luas.


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, HAWAII – Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama mengakui gunjingannya dengan Presiden Prancis Nicolas Sarkozy soal Benjamin netanyahu, namun menolak untuk membahas pembicaraan mereka.

“Sehubungan dengan insiden ‘mikrofon panas’ di Perancis, aku tidak akan mengomentari percakapan yang kami lakukan,” kata Obama di Hawaii.

Menyadari bahwa mikrofon di ruang pertemuan di KTT G20 di Cannes adalah pada, Sarkozy terdengar pada 3 November menyebut Netanyahu “pembohong” dalam apa yang dia pikir merupakan pertukaran pribadi dengan Obama.

“Saya tidak tahan Netanyahu, dia pembohong,” kata Sarkozy Obama, yang juga menyadari bahwa mic telah dihidupkan dan sedang dipantau oleh wartawan melalui headset digunakan untuk terjemahan simultan.

Obama tidak benar-benar membela Netanyahu dalam percakapan itu, baik. “Kau muak dengan dia, tapi aku harus berurusan dengan dia bahkan lebih sering daripada Anda,” jawab Obama, menurut laporan kawat layanan.

Meskipun ia menolak untuk mengomentari referensi dengan Netanyahu, Obama menguraikan isi sisa percakapan dengan Sarkozy. “Percakapan utama saya dengan Presiden Sarkozy dalam pertemuan berkisar seputar kekecewaan signifikan saya bahwa Perancis telah memilih berpihak pada Palestina untuk bergabung dengan UNESCO, tahu benar bahwa di bawah hukum kita, konsekuensi bagi badan dunia itu adalah Amerika Serikat akan memotong dana bantuannya,” katanya.

“Saya konsisten membuat argumen bahwa satu-satunya cara kita akan memecahkan situasi Timur Tengah adalah jika Palestina dan Israel duduk di meja dan bernegosiasi; bahwa tidak akan berjalan dengan semestinya jika ada pihak yang potong kompas melalui PBB,” lanjut Obama.

Obama menambahkan, “Percakapan (dengan Sarkozy) sangat jujur ​​dan tegas tentang masalah itu. Dan yang konsisten dengan pernyataan baik pribadi maupun publik.”

Beberapa wartawan, termasuk beberapa dari media besar, mendengar percakapan awal antara Obama dan Sarkozy tapi awalnya tidak melaporkannya, menyetujui antara mereka sendiri bahwa jika dipublikasi akan merupakan sebuah pelanggaran kode etik jurnalistik. Pernyataan muncul Selasa di situs Prancis yang relatif tidak jelas.

Wikileaks Ungkap Pesta Rahasia di Arab

Posted in Religions, Secret Societies, USA with tags , , , , , , , , , on December 9, 2010 by indonesiaunderground

disadur dari

Anggota kerajaan Arab Saudi diam-diam menggelar sebuah pesta Halloween akhir tahun lalu di sebuah villa yang dijaga ketat aparat keamanan. Banyak minuman keras dan wanita dalam pesta itu.

Demikian isi memo diplomatik dari Kedutaan Besar AS di Jeddah kepada Departemen Luar Negeri di Washington yang dipublikasikan di laman WikiLeaks, yang dipantau harian The Guardian, Selasa, 7 Desember 2010.

Pesta itu digelar oleh pangeran kerajaan dari keluarga Al-Thunayan. Para diplomat mengatakan identitas sang pangeran harus dirahasiakan. Pesta itu bahkan disponsori sebuah perusahaan minuman energi asal Amerika Serikat.

“Alkohol, yang dilarang keras oleh hukum Saudi dan adat setempat, namun terlihat berlimpah ruah di bar area pesta. Bartender asal Filipina yang mereka sewa meracik cocktail punch dengan sadiqi, minuman keras lokal,” tulis memo itu. “Berdasarkan pengamatan sejumlah tamu wanita juga adalah pekerja malam.”

Konsuler Amerika Serikat di Jeddah, Martin Quinn, mengatakan, “Meskipun tidak menyaksikan langsung, penggunaan minuman yang dilarang lumrah di lingkungan sosial mereka.”

Pesta semacam itu sangat terjaga kerahasiaannya. Dengan penjagaan superketat, hanya mereka dari kalangan kerajaan dan superkaya yang bisa bergabung. Mayoritas pangeran di Arab juga umumnya memiliki bodyguard sewaan dari Nigeria atau sejumlah negara di Afrika.

Dalam sebuah pesta biasanya dihadiri lebih 150 laki-laki dan perempuan, yang mayoritas usia 20-an dan 30-an. Mereka masuk melalui penjagaan ekstra ketat. “Mirip sebuah klub malam di luar kerajaan: banyak alkohol, pasangan muda menari, seorang DJ, dan tamu berkostum pesta.”

Amerika Serikat dan Angka 13

Posted in Conspiracy Theory, Israel, Knights Templar, New World Order, Secret Societies, USA, Zionism with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 16, 2010 by indonesiaunderground

Lihatlah bendera Amerika Serikat, lalu hitung jumlah strip merah dan putihnya. 13?

Ya, 13.

Menurut sumber resmi pemerintah USA, jumlah 13 ini melambangkan jumlah koloni Inggris di wilayah Amerika Serikat pada abad 18. Lalu, kenapa Inggris harus membuat koloni sejumlah 13? Tidak ada yang tahu.

Sekarang perhatikan lambang negara Amerika Serikat di bagian depan :

  • 13 bintang di atas kepala Elang yang membentuk lambang Bintang David
  • 13 perisai atau tameng
  • 13 daun zaitun
  • 13 anak panah dan bulu anak panah
  • 13 huruf yang membentuk kalimat “E Pluribus Unum”
  • 13 x 9 titik yang melingkari bintang David di atas Elang.

Yang jelas, angka 13 adalah angka Sacred Number milik kaum Kabbalah. Angka keramat, angka yang disucikan, angka yang dikorbankan. Kenapa ada istilah “Friday the 13th”? Tak lain dan tak bukan adalah karena pada hari Jumat itu, 13 Oktober 1703,  terjadi pembasmian Ksatria Templar oleh Paus Clement V dan King Philip Le Bel (Philip IV) di Perancis karena dianggap sesat dari Kristen.

Angka 13 ini ternyata hingga kini masih dipercaya sebagai angka keramat. lambang negara Amerika Serikat, jumlah kartu remi dan tarot, rumus suci geometri yang biasanya terpahat dan disembunyikan dalam berbagai arsitektur bangunan seperti halnya Monumen Washington DC dan Patung Liberty, simbolisasi logo Microsoft, simbolisasi logo McDonalds dan berbagai perusahaan multinasional AS, lembaga-lembaga pemerintah maupun swasta di AS, hingga bilangan batu permata yang ada di Cruix Gemmata, salib yang bertaburkan 13 batu mulia.

Angka 13 ini juga disimbolkan sebagai Yesus dengan 12 muridnya, Dinasti Rotschild dengan 12 Dinasti Yahudi Dunia lainnya yang berkumpul di Bavaria pada tahun 1773 (pendirian Illuminaty dengan Adam Weishaupt sebagai Grandmaster), dan sebagainya.

Lihat pula lambang Departemen Keuangan USA :

Ada 13 bintang yang membentuk piramida !

Lalu kenapa ada gambar “kunci” ? Kunci apakah gerangan? Tak lain dan tak bukan, itulah SOLOMON KEY……Kunci menuju harta karun King Solomon……

(dari berbagai sumber)

Daftar Produk AS yang Diboikot Oleh Para Ulama

Posted in USA, Zionism with tags , , , , , , , on January 22, 2009 by indonesiaunderground


Pizza Hut
Pizza Little Sitzer
Jack in the Box
Baskin Robbins
Dominos Pizza

Produsen Makanan & Minuman AS:


– Pepsi dan anak perusahaannya: Mirinda dan 7up
– Coca-Cola dan anak perusahannya (Anda kalau membaca tulisan Cola-cola dari belakang botol, akan tertulis: no Muhammad, no Mecca): Sprite dan Fanta

Produk Hanes and Crystal: Mayonnaise, Kecap
California Garden and Warner & Lambert
T-Shirt, Sepatu: Semua baju dan sepatu merk Nike (pernah tertulis kata “Allah” dalam sebuah produknya), Adidas, Kate dan Calvin Klein

Peralatan Listrik : Power, Union Air, Clifinitour , Admiral, Harmony, Alaska, Duncan, Motorola, Alcatel.

Baterei: Everydy, Energizer dan Doorsill

Mobil: Ford, Chrysler, Hammer, Chevrolet, Puck

Dan Semua produk General Electric

Perusahaan-Perusahaan AS yang mendanai Zionisme Internasional:


Bahan-bahan Kimia dan pembersih:

1. PT. Procter and Gamble (memproduksi: Oloiez, Pampers, Ferry, Downy, Ariel, Tide, Head and Shoulder, Pantene, Camay, Zeset, Mack Factor, Carmen)

2. PT. Johnson & Johnson (memproduksi: Shower to Shower, Cream Johnson)

3. Nectar

4. Avon

5. Revlon

6. Gardena

7. Pasta gigi Corset

Alat Tulis: Bulpen merk Shiver, Parker dan Hear

Bank Amerika: Bank America International, American Express, Bank of America, Bank of New York
Lain-lain: Rokok AS seperti: Marlboro, Kant, Janstown, Lark, Merit, Gold Cost, Carlton, LM, More.

Para ulama’ tersebut adalah:

1. Prof. DR. Yusuf Qardhawi, Ulama dan Cendekiawan Muslim kondang di seluruh dunia. Kini tinggal di Doha, Qatar.

2. Syeikh Salman bin Fahd Al Audah, ulama’ kharismatik dari Arab Saudi

3. Syeikh Muhammad Saed Ramadhan al Buthi, ulama’ kharismatik tinggal di Suriah

4. Syeikh Abdullah al Jibrin, ulama’ Arab Saudi dan anggota Persatuan Ulama Besar Arab Saudi

5. DR. Hammam Saed dan DR. Muhammad Abu Faris, Intelektual Muslim tinggal Amman, Yordania.

6. DR. Naser Farid Wasil, Mufti Mesir

7. Fatwa Majelis Ulama Sudan

8. Fatwa Majelis Ulama Palestina

Sumber: al Markaz al Filistini lil I’lam (PIC) (abu ais)

Sumber :

Pidato Pelantikan Presiden AS Barack Hussein Obama 2009

Posted in USA with tags , , , , , , , , on January 22, 2009 by indonesiaunderground
The Commander in Chief waves to the crowd before giving his Inaugural Address
Christopher Morris / VII for TIME

Berikut pidato pelantikan Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Hussein Obama, Selasa 20 Januari waktu AS, di Capitol Hill, Washington DC

Saya berdiri di sini hari ini terenyak oleh tugas di depan kita, berterima kasih atas kepercayaan yang Anda berikan, dan teringat akan pengorbanan oleh leluhur kita. Saya berterima kasih kepada Presiden Bush atas jasanya pada bangsa kita, dan juga atas kemurahan hati dan kerjasama yang ditunjukkannya pada masa transisi ini.

Sudah 44 warga Amerika yang diambil sumpahnya sebagai presiden. Kata-kata dalam sumpah jabatan itu telah diucapkan dimasa kemakmuran dan dimasa damai. Namun, ada kalanya sumpah jabatan kepresidenan itu diambil di tengah-tengah situasi gawat dan badai yang berkecamuk. Pada saat-saat demikian, Amerika terus melaksanakan tugasnya bukan hanya karena ketrampilan atau visi mereka yang memegang jabatan tinggi, tetapi karena kita rakyat Amerika tetap setia pada cita-cita leluhur kita dan setia pada dokumen-dokumen yang dirumuskan oleh para pendiri negara kita.

Demikianlah adanya, dan memang selalu demikianlah yang harus dilakukan oleh generasi orang Amerika yang sekarang ini.

Memang sudah dipahami bahwa kita sedang berada di tengah krisis. Bangsa kita kini sedang terlibat perang, melawan jaringan kekerasan dan kebencian yang jauh jangkauannya. Ekonomi kita sangat lemah, akibat ketamakan dan tindakan tidak bertanggung jawab oleh sebagian pihak, tetapi juga karena kegagalan kita secara kolektif untuk membuat pilihan-pilihan sulit, dan kegagalan kita mempersiapkan bangsa bagi abad baru. Banyak rumah yang disita, lapangan kerja menurun drastis, bisnis gulung tikar. Asuransi kesehatan kita terlalu mahal, murid-murid sekolah kita banyak yang gagal, dan setiap hari terlihat bukti bahwa cara-cara kita menggunakan energi justru memperkuat musuh-musuh kita dan mengancam planet kita.

Semua itu merupakan indikator krisis, yang didasarkan pada data dan statistik. Yang kurang bisa diukur tetapi tidak kurang pentingnya adalah melemahnya keyakinan di seluruh pelosok Amerika – kekhawatiran terus-menerus bahwa kemerosotan Amerika tak terelakkan lagi, dan bahwa generasi berikutnya harus mengurangi harapannya.

Hari ini saya katakan kepada kalian bahwa tantangan-tantangan yang kita hadapi adalah nyata. Tantangan ini serius dan banyak. Tidak akan mudah diatasi dan tidak bisa diatasi dalam jangka pendek. Tetapi ketahuilah ini, Amerika, semua tantangan ini akan kita hadapi.

Ratusan ribu orang tiba dan memadati ibukota Amerika Serikat, Washington DC, untuk menyaksikan pelantikan Presiden Ke-44 AS, Barack Obama.


Pada hari ini, kita berkumpul karena kita lebih memilih harapan daripada ketakutan, kesatuan tujuan daripada konflik dan pertentangan.

Pada hari ini, kita berkumpul untuk menyatakan berakhirnya keluhan-keluhan kecil dan janji-janji palsu, saling-tuduh dan berbagai dogma lusuh yang sudah terlalu lama mencekik politik kita.

Negara kita masih muda, dengan meminjam kata-kata dalam Kitab Suci, saatnya sudah tiba kita menepiskan sifat ke kanak-kanakan. Saatnya sudah tiba untuk menandaskan lagi semangat kita yang tegar, memilih jalan sejarah yang lebih baik, melanjutkan pemberian berharga, gagasan mulia yang diteruskan dari generasi ke generasi: yaitu janji yang diberikan Tuhan bahwa semua kita setara, kita semua bebas, dan semua layak memperoleh kesempatan untuk mengejar kebahagiaan sepenuhnya.

Dalam menandaskan kebesaran bangsa kita, kita memahami bahwa kebesaran tak pernah diberikan begitu saja. Mencapai kebesaran harus dengan kerja-keras. Perjalanan yang kita tempuh tak pernah mengambil jalan pintas. Perjalanan kita bukan bagi mereka yang tidak-tabah, bukan bagi mereka yang suka bermalas-malas daripada bekerja, atau bagi yang hanya mengejar kekayaan dan menjadi terkenal. Perjalanan kita adalah bagi mereka yang berani mengambil risiko, mereka yang melakukan hal-hal baru dan membuat barang-barang baru. Sebagian mereka menjadi terkenal, tetapi acap kali laki-laki dan perempuan tak dikenal dalam pekerjaan mereka, yang telah mengusung kita di atas jalan berbatu-batu menuju kemakmuran dan kebebasan.

Demi kita, mereka mengemas harta milik mereka yang tak seberapa dan menyeberangi samudera untuk mencari kehidupan baru.

Demi kita, mereka banting-tulang dengan upah minim dan menetap di Pantai Barat, menahankan pukulan cambuk dan mencangkul tanah yang keras.

Demi kita, mereka bertempur dan mati, di tempat-tempat seperti Concord dan Gettysburg, Normandy dan Khe San.

Lelaki dan perempuan ini terus menerus berjuang dan berkorban dan bekerja hingga kulit tangan mereka mengelupas, agar kita bisa mengecap kehidupan yang lebih baik. Mereka melihat Amerika lebih besar dari jumlah ambisi kita secara perorangan, lebih besar daripada perbedaan status keluarga, atau kekayaan ataupun partai atau kelompok.

Barack dan Michelle Obama menghadiri misa tertutup menjelang pengambilan sumpah kepresidenan.


Perjalanan inilah yang kita teruskan hari ini. Kita masih merupakan negara paling makmur dan paling berpengaruh di Bumi. Para pekerja kita tidak kurang produktifnya dibandingkan dengan waktu ketika krisis ini dimulai. Otak kita masih seinventif seperti pada awal krisis ini, barang dan jasa kita masih diperlukan seperti pada minggu lalu atau bulan lalu, atau tahun lalu. Kapasitas kita tetap tak berkurang. Tetapi masa kita untuk berdiam diri, melindungi kepentingan sempit dan menunda keputusan-keputusan yang tak menyenangkan, sudah harus berlalu. Mulai hari ini, kita harus bangkit sendiri, membersihkan debu yang menempel, dan mulai lagi bekerja memperbaharui Amerika.

Karena kemana saja kita melihat, ada yang harus kita lakukan. Keadaan ekonomi mengharuskan tindakan yang berani dan segera, dan kita akan bertindak bukan hanya untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja baru, tetapi untuk meletakkan dasar bagi pertumbuhan. Kita akan membangun jalan dan jembatan, jaringan listrik dan jaringan digital yang menyuburkan perdagangan dan mengikat kita bersama. Kita akan memulihkan sains ke tempat yang selayaknya, dan menggunakan kehebatan teknologi untuk meningkatkan mutu perawatan kesehatan dan menurunkan biayanya. Kita akan memanfaatkan tenaga matahari, tenaga angin dan lainnya untuk menjalankan mobil-mobil dan pabrik-pabrik kita. Dan kita akan mengubah sekolah dan perguruan tinggi dan universitas untuk memenuhi tuntutan era baru. Semua ini bisa kita lakukan. Dan semua ini akan kita lakukan.

Tentu, ada orang yang meragukan skala ambisi kita – dengan mengatakan sistem ekonomi kita tidak bisa mentolerir terlalu banyak rencana besar. Daya ingat mereka tidak cukup lama. Mereka telah melupakan apa yang dilakukan negara ini, apa yang bisa dicapai oleh laki-laki dan perempuan yang hidup bebas, apabila imajinasi digabung demi tujuan bersama, dan kebutuhan digabung dengan ketabahan.

Washington police sweep down the parade route before President Obama
Emmanuel Dunand / AFP / Getty

Yang tidak dipahami oleh mereka yang sinis adalah tanah tempat mereka berpijak telah bergeser, bahwa argumen basi dalam politik yang telah begitu lama menyita waktu kita – tidak lagi berlaku. Pertanyaan yang kita ajukan sekarang bukan apakah pemerintah kita terlalu besar atau terlalu kecil, tetapi apakah pemerintah kita bisa berfungsi, apakah pemerintah bisa menolong para keluarga mencari pekerjaan dengan upah yang layak, asuransi kesehatan yang terjangkau, dan pensiun yang berarti. Apabila jawabannya – ya, kita berniat untuk terus bergerak maju. Apabila jawabannya tidak, programnya akan dihentikan. Dan mereka yang mengatur uang rakyat akan dimintai pertanggung- jawabannya – supaya mengeluarkan uang secara bijaksana, mengubah kebiasaan buruk, dan melakukan bisnis kita dengan jujur – karena hanya dengan demikian kita bisa memulihkan kepercayaan penting antara rakyat dan pemerintah.

Kita juga tidak mempertanyakan apakah kekuatan pasar bebas itu baik atau buruk. Kekuatan pasar bisa membina kekayaan dan memperluas kebebasan kita. Tetapi krisis ini telah mengingatkan kita bahwa tanpa pengawasan yang ketat, kekuatan pasar bebas itu bisa terlepas dari kontrol, dan suatu bangsa tidak bisa makmur untuk waktu lama apabila hanya mementingkan orang kaya. Keberhasilan ekonomi kita tidak hanya tergantung pada besarnya Produk Domestik Bruto, tapi seberapa jauh meluasnya kemakmuran itu, pada kemampuan kita memberikan kesempatan kepada tiap orang yang mau bekerja, dan bukan karena belas kasihan karena itulah jalan yang paling pasti guna mencapai kemakmuran bersama.

Mengenai pertahanan kita bersama, kita menolak dan menganggap palsu pilihan antara keselamatan dan idaman atau cita-cita kita. Para Pendiri Negara ini dihadapkan pada bahaya yang tak terbayangkan, menyusun sebuah piagam untuk menjamin supremasi hukum dan hak setiap orang, sebuah piagam yang diperkuat oleh perjuangan generasi demi generasi. Semua cita-cita ini masih menerangi dunia, dan kita tidak akan meninggalkannya demi mencapai penyelesaian yang cepat. Karena itu, bagi semua orang dan pemerintahan yang menyaksikan pelantikan hari ini, mulai dari kota-kota yang termegah sampai ke desa kecil di mana ayah saya dilahirkan, ketahuilah bahwa Amerika adalah sahabat setia negara dan sahabat setiap lelaki, setiap perempuan, dan setiap anak yang menghendaki masa depan yang damai dan bermartabat, dan bahwa kita siap untuk memimpin lagi.

Ingatlah bahwa generasi-generasi sebelumnya menundukkan fasisme dan komunisme bukan hanya dengan misil dan tank, tetapi dengan aliansi yang kokoh dan keyakinan besar. Mereka memahami bahwa kekuatan saja tidak bisa melindungi kita, dan bahwa kekuatan itu tidak memberi kita hak berbuat sekehendak hati kita. Sebaliknya mereka tahu bahwa kekuatan kita tumbuh melalui penggunaan yang bijaksana, keamanan kita berasal dari adilnya tujuan kita, kekuatan contoh yang kita berikan, dan kerendahan hati serta kesanggupan menahan diri.

Kita adalah penjaga warisan ini. Dibimbing oleh prinsip-prinsip ini, sekali lagi kita bisa menghadapi ancaman-ancaman baru itu yang menuntut upaya lebih besar, bahkan kerja-sama dan pemahaman lebih besar antar-negara. Kita akan mulai secara bertanggung jawab meninggalkan Irak kepada bangsa Irak, dan menempa perdamaian di Afghanistan. Bersama teman-teman lama dan bekas saingan kita, Amerika akan bekerja tanpa lelah untuk mengurangi ancaman nuklir, dan mengurangi bahaya pemanasan bumi. Kita tidak akan minta maaf atas cara kehidupan Amerika, tidak akan goyah dalam mempertahankannya, dan bagi mereka yang hendak mendorong tujuan mereka dengan terror dan membantai orang-orang tak bersalah, kami katakan kepada mereka, semangat kita lebih kuat dan tidak terpatahkan, kalian tidak akan unggul dari kami, dan kalian akan kami kalahkan.

President Obama and his wife Michelle wave to the crowd as they walk down Pennsylvania Avenue in the Inauguration parade
Jim Young / Reuters

Kami sadar bahwa warisan bangsa yang beraneka warna adalah suatu kekuatan, dan bukannya sebuah kelemahan. Bangsa kita terdiri dari orang Kristen dan Islam, Yahudi dan Hindu, dan bahkan orang-orang yang tidak percaya pada Tuhan. Kita telah dibentuk oleh campuran berbagai bahasa dan kebudayaan, yang berasal dari segala pelosok dunia. Dan karena kita telah merasakan pahitnya perang saudara dan segregasi rasial, dan keluar dari masa kegelapan menjadi sebuah bangsa yang lebih kuat dan lebih bersatu, kita yakin bahwa pada suatu hari nanti semua rasa kebencian akan hilang, bahwa semua garis-garis pembatas antar suku bangsa akan luluh, dan bahwa dunia ini akan menjadi semakin kecil. Kerendahan hati kita akan tampak dengan sendirinya, dan Amerika harus memainkan perannya dalam menyongsong era perdamaian yang baru.

First Lady Michelle Obama, President Barack Obama, former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush leave the Inauguration
Tannen Maury / AFP / Getty

Bagi dunia Muslim, kami akan mencari cara baru ke depan berdasarkan pada kepentingan bersama dan saling menghormati. Bagi para pemimpin dunia yang berusaha menanam bibit konflik, atau menyalahkan dunia Barat atas kesulitan-kesulitan yang dialami masyarakatnya, ketahuilah bahwa rakyat Anda akan menilai Anda pada apa yang Anda bangun, bukan pada apa yang Anda musnahkan. Bagi mereka yang hendak menggenggam kekuasaan melalui korupsi dan kekejian dan membungkam orang yang tidak setuju pada kebijakan mereka, yakinlah bahwa kalian berada pada sisi yang keliru, tapi kami akan mengulurkan tangan jika kalian tidak lagi mengepalkan tinju.

Bagi rakyat negara-negara miskin, kami berjanji akan bekerja bersama kalian untuk membuat ladang kalian subur dan membuat air bersih mengalir, untuk memberi makan tubuh yang kelaparan, dan memenuhi kebutuhan mental. Dan kepada negara-negara seperti negara kita yang relatif menikmati kemakmuran, kita tidak bisa lagi bersikap tidak peduli pada kesengsaraan di luar perbatasan kita, dan kita tidak bisa menghabiskan sumber-sumber dunia tanpa mempedulikan dampaknya. Karena dunia sudah berubah dan kita harus berubah dengannya.

Sambil kita mempertimbangkan jalan yang terbentang di depan kita, kita mengingat dengan rasa terima kasih orang-orang Amerika yang gagah berani, yang pada saat ini, berpatroli di gurun dan gunung yang sangat jauh. Ada sesuatu yang hendak mereka katakan pada kita hari ini, seperti yang dibisikkan sepanjang masa oleh para pahlawan kita yang kini dimakamkan di Arlington. Kita menghormati mereka bukan hanya karena mereka menjaga kebebasan kita tetapi karena mereka menunjukkan arti pengorbanan, kesediaan untuk mencari arti yang lebih besar dari diri mereka sendiri. Dan pada saat ini, saat yang akan tercatat dalam sejarah generasi – semangat inilah yang harus ada pada kita semua.

Sebanyak apapun yang bisa dan harus dilakukan pemerintah, pada akhirnya kepercayaan dan tekad rakyat Amerika-lah yang diandalkan negara ini. Misalnya kebaikan hati untuk menampung orang yang kena musibah walaupun tidak kita kenal, atau pekerja yang tanpa pamrih rela mengurangi jam kerja mereka daripada melihat seorang teman di-PHK, yang membuat kita keluar dari kegelapan. Adalah keberanian para pemadam kebakaran untuk menerobos masuk ke rumah yang penuh asap, dan juga kesediaan orang tua untuk membesarkan anak, yang kelak akan menentukan nasib kita.

President Obama waves to dignitaries on the platform
Vincent Laforet for TIME

Tantangan kita mungkin baru. Alat-alat yang kita gunakan untuk mengatasinya mungkin baru. Tetapi pada nilai-nilai itulah keberhasilan kita bergantung – yaitu kerja keras dan kejujuran, ketabahan dan berlaku secara adil, toleransi dan rasa ingin tahu, kesetiaan dan patriotisme – semua itu sudah lama ada. Semua itu memang benar. Semua itu telah menjadi kekuatan kemajuan sepanjang sejarah. Jadi yang dituntut sekarang adalah kembalinya kepada nilai-nilai ini. Apa yang diperlukan dari kita sekarang ini adalah era pertanggungjawaban yang baru – suatu pengakuan, dari tiap orang Amerika, bahwa kita mempunyai kewajiban bagi diri kita sendiri, bagi negara kita dan bagi dunia, kewajiban yang kita lakukan dengan senang hati, bukan dengan bersungut-sungut, karena kita tahu tidak ada yang lebih memuaskan bagi jiwa kita, yang merupakan definisi karakter kita, daripada memberikan segalanya untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang sulit.

Inilah pengorbanan dan janji kewarganegaraan.

Inilah yang menjadi sumber keyakinan kita – pengetahuan bahwa Tuhan meminta kita untuk memperbaiki keadaan yang tidak pasti.

Inilah arti kebebasan dan kepercayaan kita- mengapa laki-laki dan perempuan dan anak-anak dari tiap ras dan tiap keyakinan bisa ikut dalam perayaan di lapangan yang indah ini, dan mengapa seorang lelaki yang ayahnya lebih 60 tahun lalu mungkin tidak dilayani di restoran, sekarang bisa berdiri di depan anda untuk diambil sumpahnya sebagai presiden.

Jadi marilah kita hari ini mengenang siapa kita dan sejauh mana jalan yang kita tempuh. Pada tahun kelahiran Amerika, pada bulan yang terdingin, sekelompok patriot berkumpul di depan api unggun yang mulai padam di bantaran sungai yang beku. Ibukota telah ditinggalkan, musuh terus maju, salju tampak berlumuran darah. Pada saat itu, ketika nasib revolusi kita sangat diragukan, bapak bangsa kita memerintahkan supaya kalimat berikut dibacakan kepada semua rakyat Amerika:

“Beritahukanlah pada dunia masa depan, bahwa di tengah musim dingin, saat apapun tiada kecuali harapan dan kebajikan – bahwa kota dan negara, waspada akan bahaya bersama, akhirnya bersatu untuk menghadapinya. “

Amerika; Dalam menghadapi musuh bersama, dalam masa sulit kita ini, mari kita ingat kata-kata emas itu. Dengan harapan dan kebajikan, mari kita hadapi bersama sekali lagi sungai beku ini, dan bertahan dari badai apapun yang akan tiba. Biarkan cucu-cucu kita berkata bahwa kita telah diuji dan kita menolak untuk mengakhiri perjalanan ini, bahwa kita tidak mundur dan mata kita terpaku ke ufuk fajar dan dengan berkat Tuhan, kita meneruskan anugerah kebebasan dan mengantarkannya dengan selamat bagi generasi masa depan.

Source : email.


Posted in Israel, USA with tags , , , , , , , on January 21, 2009 by indonesiaunderground

By Brother Nathanael Kapner,

IT DOESN’T TAKE LONG FOR ZIONIST JEWS to insinuate themselves into the White House. No sooner did Obama get elected, that he chooses as his first administration pick, a Talmudic Jew, Illinois Democrat Congressman, Rahm Emanuel.

Obama & Rahm Emanuel were found in recent days at the infamous June 4 2008 AIPAC Convention at which Obama grovelled before this all powerful Jewish Lobby. Right after Obama’s shameless speech, “Now Is the Time to Stand By Israel”, Rahm Emanuel endorsed Obama. Emanuel then brought Obama to meet with the AIPAC executive board.

ABC news reported on November 5 2008 that: “Obama likes the fact that Emanuel knows policy, knows politics, knows Capitol Hill. Obama has told associates that he knows that Emanuel will ‘have his back.’”

But of course! Who else would know his way around the Zionist-Jewish infested Capitol Hill but a Zionist Jew himself? Indeed, Jews picked up 5 more seats in the Senate & 18 more seats in Congress this time around.

But what Obama failed to mention is that Rahm Emanuel is super wealthy & a Zionist-Jewish war hawk…

ZIONIST JEW RAHM EMANUEL MADE MILLIONS as an investment banker, reported USA Today in a recent article. Emanuel then formed with his wife, the Rahm Emanuel and Amy Rule Charitable Trust Foundation, in 2002.

Rahm Emanuel used his money and his Zionist Jewish influence in local Chicago politics which earned him the nick-name, “Rahmbo.”

The Chicago Tribune published an article on Emanuel in 2006 which cited him as “the man who remade the Democratic Party in his own image.” It takes money & an aggressive personality to accomplish this. Rahm Emanuel has both. Doubtless, this is why the Chicago Tribune labelled Emanuel as a “profane, ruthless, and savvy operative.”

Perhaps this is why Obama chose Emanuel to “cover his back.” Surely, Obama could use a a “ruthless & savvy” strong man in the likes of this Zionist-Jew who can “remake Capitol Hill in Obama’s own image…”

A ZIONIST TERRORIST was Rahm Emanuel’s father – a member of the right wing Israeli “Irgun” paramilitary cell which terrorized Arab civilians. He moved to Chicago before Rahm Israel Emanuel was born in 1959. Growing up in Chicago, Rahm Emanuel studied at the Talmudic yeshiva, Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School. After graduating in 1968, Emanuel served in the Israeli Defense Force known as the IDF.

Rahm Emanuel co-authored the book, The Plan: Big Ideas for America. The section which embraces all of foreign policy is entitled, A New Strategy to End the War on Terror.

Here is an excerpt from the pen of the Zionist-Jewish War-Hawk, Rahm Emanuel:

“We need to make our country safe. America must lead the world’s fight against the spread of evil and totalitarianism. We need to fortify the military’s ‘thin green line’ around the world by adding to the US Special Forces and the Marines. We need to expand the US army by 100,000 more troops.”

Sounds like a page right out of Obama’s play book does it not? I mean Obama’s war book -coming soon to a military theatre near you.

Source :

Obama’s AIPAC Speech, Rahm’s Endorsement

Posted in Israel, USA with tags , , , , , , , , , , on January 21, 2009 by indonesiaunderground


Right after Barack Obama’s speech to AIPAC this morning (he was endorsed by Rahm Emanuel, a leading member of the House.

(The Illinois congressman has largely stayed out of the election because he is a friend of Obama’s and also has close ties to the Clintons.)

Emanuel, who belongs to an Orthodox Jewish congregation in Chicago, then accompanied Obama to a meeting with AIPAC’s executive board, Mark Halperin reports.

Here is full text of Obama’s speech, as prepared for delivery:

Remarks at AIPAC Policy Conference

Senator Barack Obama

June 4, 2008

As Prepared for Delivery

It’s great to see so many friends from across the country. I want to congratulate Howard Friedman, David Victor and Howard Kohr on a successful conference, and on the completion of a new headquarters just a few blocks away.

Before I begin, I want to say that I know some provocative emails have been circulating throughout Jewish communities across the country. A few of you may have gotten them. They’re filled with tall tales and dire warnings about a certain candidate for President. And all I want to say is – let me know if you see this guy named Barack Obama, because he sounds pretty frightening.

But if anyone has been confused by these emails, I want you to know that today I’ll be speaking from my heart, and as a true friend of Israel. And I know that when I visit with AIPAC, I am among friends. Good friends. Friends who share my strong commitment to make sure that the bond between the United States and Israel is unbreakable today, tomorrow, and forever.

One of the many things that I admire about AIPAC is that you fight for this common cause from the bottom up. The lifeblood of AIPAC is here in this room – grassroots activists of all ages, from all parts of the country, who come to Washington year after year to make your voices heard. Nothing reflects the face of AIPAC more than the 1,200 students who have travelled here to make it clear to the world that the bond between Israel and the United States is rooted in more than our shared national interests – it’s rooted in the shared values and shared stories of our people. And as President, I will work with you to ensure that it this bond strengthened.

I first became familiar with the story of Israel when I was eleven years old. I learned of the long journey and steady determination of the Jewish people to preserve their identity through faith, family and culture. Year after year, century after century, Jews carried on their traditions, and their dream of a homeland, in the face of impossible odds.

The story made a powerful impression on me. I had grown up without a sense of roots. My father was black, he was from Kenya, and he left us when I was two. My mother was white, she was from Kansas, and I’d moved with her to Indonesia and then back to Hawaii. In many ways, I didn’t know where I came from. So I was drawn to the belief that you could sustain a spiritual, emotional and cultural identity. And I deeply understood the Zionist idea – that there is always a homeland at the center of our story.

I also learned about the horror of the Holocaust, and the terrible urgency it brought to the journey home to Israel. For much of my childhood, I lived with my grandparents. My grandfather had served in World War II, and so had my great uncle. He was a Kansas boy, who probably never expected to see Europe – let alone the horrors that awaited him there. And for months after he came home from Germany, he remained in a state of shock, alone with the painful memories that wouldn’t leave his head.

You see, my great uncle had been a part of the 89th Infantry Division – the first Americans to reach a Nazi concentration camp. They liberated Ohrdruf, part of Buchenwald, on an April day in 1945. The horrors of that camp go beyond our capacity to imagine. Tens of thousands died of hunger, torture, disease, or plain murder – part of the Nazi killing machine that killed 6 million people.

When the Americans marched in, they discovered huge piles of dead bodies and starving survivors. General Eisenhower ordered Germans from the nearby town to tour the camp, so they could see what was being done in their name. He ordered American troops to tour the camp, so they could see the evil they were fighting against. He invited Congressmen and journalists to bear witness. And he ordered that photographs and films be made. Explaining his actions, Eisenhower said that he wanted to produce, “first-hand evidence of these things, if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to propaganda.”

I saw some of those very images at Yad Vashem, and they never leave you. And those images just hint at the stories that survivors of the Shoah carried with them. Like Eisenhower, each of us bears witness to anyone and everyone who would deny these unspeakable crimes, or ever speak of repeating them. We must mean what we say when we speak the words: “never again.”

It was just a few years after the liberation of the camps that David Ben-Gurion declared the founding of the Jewish State of Israel. We know that the establishment of Israel was just and necessary, rooted in centuries of struggle, and decades of patient work. But 60 years later, we know that we cannot relent, we cannot yield, and as President I will never compromise when it comes to Israel’s security.

Not when there are still voices that deny the Holocaust. Not when there are terrorist groups and political leaders committed to Israel’s destruction. Not when there are maps across the Middle East that don’t even acknowledge Israel’s existence, and government-funded textbooks filled with hatred toward Jews. Not when there are rockets raining down on Sderot, and Israeli children have to take a deep breath and summon uncommon courage every time they board a bus or walk to school.

I have long understood Israel’s quest for peace and need for security. But never more so than during my travels there two years ago. Flying in an IDF helicopter, I saw a narrow and beautiful strip of land nestled against the Mediterranean. On the ground, I met a family who saw their house destroyed by a Katyusha Rocket. I spoke to Israeli troops who faced daily threats as they maintained security near the blue line. I talked to people who wanted nothing more simple, or elusive, than a secure future for their children.

I have been proud to be a part of a strong, bi-partisan consensus that has stood by Israel in the face of all threats. That is a commitment that both John McCain and I share, because support for Israel in this country goes beyond party. But part of our commitment must be speaking up when Israel’s security is at risk, and I don’t think any of us can be satisfied that America’s recent foreign policy has made Israel more secure.

Hamas now controls Gaza. Hizbollah has tightened its grip on southern Lebanon, and is flexing its muscles in Beirut. Because of the war in Iraq, Iran – which always posed a greater threat to Israel than Iraq – is emboldened, and poses the greatest strategic challenge to the United States and Israel in the Middle East in a generation. Iraq is unstable, and al Qaeda has stepped up its recruitment. Israel’s quest for peace with its neighbors has stalled, despite the heavy burdens borne by the Israeli people. And America is more isolated in the region, reducing our strength and jeopardizing Israel’s safety.

The question is how to move forward. There are those who would continue and intensify this failed status quo, ignoring eight years of accumulated evidence that our foreign policy is dangerously flawed. And then there are those who would lay all of the problems of the Middle East at the doorstep of Israel and its supporters, as if the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the root of all trouble in the region. These voices blame the Middle East’s only democracy for the region’s extremism. They offer the false promise that abandoning a stalwart ally is somehow the path to strength. It is not, it never has been, and it never will be.

Our alliance is based on shared interests and shared values. Those who threaten Israel threaten us. Israel has always faced these threats on the front lines. And I will bring to the White House an unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security.

That starts with ensuring Israel’s qualitative military advantage. I will ensure that Israel can defend itself from any threat – from Gaza to Tehran. Defense cooperation between the United States and Israel is a model of success, and must be deepened. As President, I will implement a Memorandum of Understanding that provides $30 billion in assistance to Israel over the next decade – investments to Israel’s security that will not be tied to any other nation. First, we must approve the foreign aid request for 2009. Going forward, we can enhance our cooperation on missile defense. We should export military equipment to our ally Israel under the same guidelines as NATO. And I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself in the United Nations and around the world.

Across the political spectrum, Israelis understand that real security can only come through lasting peace. And that is why we – as friends of Israel – must resolve to do all we can to help Israel and its neighbors to achieve it. Because a secure, lasting peace is in Israel’s national interest. It is in America’s national interest. And it is in the interest of the Palestinian people and the Arab world. As President, I will work to help Israel achieve the goal of two states, a Jewish state of Israel and a Palestinian state, living side by side in peace and security. And I won’t wait until the waning days of my presidency. I will take an active role, and make a personal commitment to do all I can to advance the cause of peace from the start of my Administration.

The long road to peace requires Palestinian partners committed to making the journey. We must isolate Hamas unless and until they renounce terrorism, recognize Israel’s right to exist, and abide by past agreements. There is no room at the negotiating table for terrorist organizations. That is why I opposed holding elections in 2006 with Hamas on the ballot. The Israelis and the Palestinian Authority warned us at the time against holding these elections. But this Administration pressed ahead, and the result is a Gaza controlled by Hamas, with rockets raining down on Israel.

The Palestinian people must understand that progress will not come through the false prophets of extremism or the corrupt use of foreign aid. The United States and the international community must stand by Palestinians who are committed to cracking down on terror and carrying the burden of peacemaking. I will strongly urge Arab governments to take steps to normalize relations with Israel, and to fulfill their responsibility to pressure extremists and provide real support for President Abbas and Prime Minister Fayyad. Egypt must cut off the smuggling of weapons into Gaza. Israel can also advance the cause of peace by taking appropriate steps – consistent with its security – to ease the freedom of movement for Palestinians, improve economic conditions in the West Bank, and to refrain from building new settlements – as it agreed to with the Bush Administration at Annapolis.

Let me be clear. Israel’s security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable. The Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive, and that allows them to prosper – but any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel’s identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognized and defensible borders. Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.

I have no illusions that this will be easy. It will require difficult decisions on both sides. But Israel is strong enough to achieve peace, if it has partners who are committed to the goal. Most Israelis and Palestinians want peace, and we must strengthen their hand. The United States must be a strong and consistent partner in this process – not to force concessions, but to help committed partners avoid stalemate and the kind of vacuums that are filled by violence. That’s what I commit to do as President of the United States.

The threats to Israel start close to home, but they don’t end there. Syria continues its support for terror and meddling in Lebanon. And Syria has taken dangerous steps in pursuit of weapons of mass destruction, which is why Israeli action was justified to end that threat.

I also believe that the United States has a responsibility to support Israel’s efforts to renew peace talks with the Syrians. We must never force Israel to the negotiating table, but neither should we ever block negotiations when Israel’s leaders decide that they may serve Israeli interests. As President, I will do whatever I can to help Israel succeed in these negotiations. And success will require the full enforcement of Security Council Resolution 1701 in Lebanon, and a stop to Syria’s support for terror. It is time for this reckless behavior to come to an end.

There is no greater threat to Israel – or to the peace and stability of the region – than Iran. Now this audience is made up of both Republicans and Democrats, and the enemies of Israel should have no doubt that, regardless of party, Americans stand shoulder-to-shoulder in our commitment to Israel’s security. So while I don’t want to strike too partisan a note here today, I do want to address some willful mischaracterizations of my positions.

The Iranian regime supports violent extremists and challenges us across the region. It pursues a nuclear capability that could spark a dangerous arms race, and raise the prospect of a transfer of nuclear know-how to terrorists. Its President denies the Holocaust and threatens to wipe Israel off the map. The danger from Iran is grave, it is real, and my goal will be to eliminate this threat.

But just as we are clear-eyed about the threat, we must be clear about the failure of today’s policy. We knew, in 2002, that Iran supported terrorism. We knew Iran had an illicit nuclear program. We knew Iran posed a grave threat to Israel. But instead of pursuing a strategy to address this threat, we ignored it and instead invaded and occupied Iraq. When I opposed the war, I warned that it would fan the flames of extremism in the Middle East. That is precisely what happened in Iran – the hardliners tightened their grip, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected President in 2005. And the United States and Israel are less secure.

I respect Senator McCain, and look forward to a substantive debate with him these next five months. But on this point, we have differed, and we will differ. Senator McCain refuses to understand or acknowledge the failure of the policy that he would continue. He criticizes my willingness to use strong diplomacy, but offers only an alternate reality – one where the war in Iraq has somehow put Iran on its heels. The truth is the opposite. Iran has strengthened its position. Iran is now enriching uranium, and has reportedly stockpiled 150 kilos of low enriched uranium. Its support for terrorism and threats toward Israel have increased. Those are the facts, they cannot be denied, and I refuse to continue a policy that has made the United States and Israel less secure.

Senator McCain offers a false choice: stay the course in Iraq, or cede the region to Iran. I reject this logic because there is a better way. Keeping all of our troops tied down indefinitely in Iraq is not the way to weaken Iran – it is precisely what has strengthened it. It is a policy for staying, not a plan for victory. I have proposed a responsible, phased redeployment of our troops from Iraq. We will get out as carefully as we were careless getting in. We will finally pressure Iraq’s leaders to take meaningful responsibility for their own future.

We will also use all elements of American power to pressure Iran. I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. That starts with aggressive, principled diplomacy without self-defeating preconditions, but with a clear-eyed understanding of our interests. We have no time to waste. We cannot unconditionally rule out an approach that could prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. We have tried limited, piecemeal talks while we outsource the sustained work to our European allies. It is time for the United States to lead.

There will be careful preparation. We will open up lines of communication, build an agenda, coordinate closely with our allies, and evaluate the potential for progress. Contrary to the claims of some, I have no interest in sitting down with our adversaries just for the sake of talking. But as President of the United States, I would be willing to lead tough and principled diplomacy with the appropriate Iranian leader at a time and place of my choosing – if, and only if – it can advance the interests of the United States.

Only recently have some come to think that diplomacy by definition cannot be tough. They forget the example of Truman, and Kennedy and Reagan. These Presidents understood that diplomacy backed by real leverage was a fundamental tool of statecraft. And it is time to once again make American diplomacy a tool to succeed, not just a means of containing failure. We will pursue this diplomacy with no illusions about the Iranian regime. Instead, we will present a clear choice. If you abandon your dangerous nuclear program, support for terror, and threats to Israel, there will be meaningful incentives – including the lifting of sanctions, and political and economic integration with the international community. If you refuse, we will ratchet up the pressure.

My presidency will strengthen our hand as we restore our standing. Our willingness to pursue diplomacy will make it easier to mobilize others to join our cause. If Iran fails to change course when presented with this choice by the United States, it will be clear – to the people of Iran, and to the world – that the Iranian regime is the author of its own isolation. That will strengthen our hand with Russia and China as we insist on stronger sanctions in the Security Council. And we should work with Europe, Japan and the Gulf states to find every avenue outside the UN to isolate the Iranian regime – from cutting off loan guarantees and expanding financial sanctions, to banning the export of refined petroleum to Iran, to boycotting firms associated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, whose Quds force has rightly been labeled a terrorist organization.

I was interested to see Senator McCain propose divestment as a source of leverage – not the bigoted divestment that has sought to punish Israeli scientists and academics, but divestment targeted at the Iranian regime. It’s a good concept, but not a new one. I introduced legislation over a year ago that would encourage states and the private sector to divest from companies that do business in Iran. This bill has bipartisan support, but for reasons that I’ll let him explain, Senator McCain never signed on. Meanwhile, an anonymous Senator is blocking the bill. It is time to pass this into law so that we can tighten the squeeze on the Iranian regime. We should also pursue other unilateral sanctions that target Iranian banks and assets.

And we must free ourselves from the tyranny of oil. The price of a barrel of oil is one of the most dangerous weapons in the world. Petrodollars pay for weapons that kill American troops and Israeli citizens. And the Bush Administration’s policies have driven up the price of oil, while its energy policy has made us more dependent on foreign oil and gas. It’s time for the United States to take real steps to end our addiction to oil. And we can join with Israel, building on last year’s US-Israel Energy Cooperation Act, to deepen our partnership in developing alternative sources of energy by increasing scientific collaboration and joint research and development. The surest way to increase our leverage in the long term is to stop bankrolling the Iranian regime.

Finally, let there be no doubt: I will always keep the threat of military action on the table to defend our security and our ally Israel. Sometimes there are no alternatives to confrontation. But that only makes diplomacy more important. If we must use military force, we are more likely to succeed, and will have far greater support at home and abroad, if we have exhausted our diplomatic efforts.

That is the change we need in our foreign policy. Change that restores American power and influence. Change accompanied by a pledge that I will make known to allies and adversaries alike: that America maintains an unwavering friendship with Israel, and an unshakeable commitment to its security.

As members of AIPAC, you have helped advance this bipartisan consensus to support and defend our ally Israel. And I am sure that today on Capitol Hill you will be meeting with members of Congress and spreading the word. But we are here because of more than policy. We are here because the values we hold dear are deeply embedded in the story of Israel.

Just look at what Israel has accomplished in 60 years. From decades of struggle and the terrible wake of the Holocaust, a nation was forged to provide a home for Jews from all corners of the world – from Syria to Ethiopia to the Soviet Union. In the face of constant threats, Israel has triumphed. In the face of constant peril, Israel has prospered. In a state of constant insecurity, Israel has maintained a vibrant and open discourse, and a resilient commitment to the rule of law.

As any Israeli will tell you, Israel is not a perfect place, but like the United States it sets an example for all when it seeks a more perfect future. These same qualities can be found among American Jews. It is why so many Jewish Americans have stood by Israel, while advancing the American story. Because there is a commitment embedded in the Jewish faith and tradition: to freedom and fairness; to social justice and equal opportunity. To tikkun olam – the obligation to repair this world.

I will never forget that I would not be standing here today if it weren’t for that commitment. In the great social movements in our country’s history, Jewish and African Americans have stood shoulder to shoulder. They took buses down south together. They marched together. They bled together. And Jewish Americans like Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner were willing to die alongside a black man – James Chaney – on behalf of freedom and equality.

Their legacy is our inheritance. We must not allow the relationship between Jews and African Americans to suffer. This is a bond that must be strengthened. Together, we can rededicate ourselves to end prejudice and combat hatred in all of its forms. Together, we can renew our commitment to justice. Together, we can join our voices together, and in doing so make even the mightiest of walls fall down.

That work must include our shared commitment to Israel. You and I know that we must do more than stand still. Now is the time to be vigilant in facing down every foe, just as we move forward in seeking a future of peace for the children of Israel, and for all children. Now is the time to stand by Israel as it writes the next chapter in its extraordinary journey. Now is the time to join together in the work of repairing this world.

Catatan Rahasia Bush untuk Obama

Posted in USA with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 21, 2009 by indonesiaunderground

Selasa, 20/01/2009 21:54 WIB
Catatan Rahasia Bush untuk Obama
Gagah Wijoseno – detikNews

Washington – Pada setiap pergantian tampuk kepemimpinan Amerika Serikat, ada sebuah tradisi yang selalu dilakukan presiden yang lengser. Yaitu meninggalkan pesan tertulis untuk presiden penggantinya yang diletakkan di Meja Resolusi.

“Bush menulis surat pada hari Senin dan meletakkannya di laci teratas meja resolusi,” kata juru bicara Bush, Dana Perino, seperti diberitakan AFP, Selasa (20/1/2009).

Meja Resolusi tersebut terletak di ruang oval, Gedung Putih. Dinamakan Meja Resolusi karena meja tersebut dibuat dari kayu bekas kapal Inggris yang memiliki nama itu.

“Saya tidak akan menjelaskannya lebih rinci. Tetapi isinya mirip dengan apa yang pernah dikatakannya pada saat malam pemilihan berlangsung soal perjalanan hidup baru Obama akan segera mulai. Dan dia mengharapkan yang terbaik buat Obama,” lanjut Perino.

Pada saat-saat terakhir sebelum meninggalkan Gedung Putih, Bush menghubungi Menlu AS Condoleezza Rice, Penasehat Keamanan Nasional Stephen Hadley, dan mantan kepala staf

Gedung Putih Andy Card. Kepada mereka, Perino mengisahkan, Bush mengucapkan salam

“Presiden mengatakan, beri saya ciuman di kening yang tidak terlupakan,” ungkapnya. (gah/rdf)

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Rhyming reverend gets last word at Obama inaugural

Posted in USA with tags , , , , , , , , , on January 21, 2009 by indonesiaunderground


Posted by: Randall Mikkelsen

WASHINGTON – Rev. Joseph Lowery was back on stage with a president, but on Tuesday the civil-rights pioneer used his wry rhymes to welcome the U.S. leader, not skewer him as he did three years ago.

Lowery, who co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Martin Luther King Jr., delivered the benediction at Barack Obama’s inauguration as first black U.S. president.

Lowery prayed for healing from a era of “greed and corruption,” and asked, in verse, for divine help toward a new beginning of racial harmony:

“We ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right,” Lowery said to laughter from the vast audience.

In 2006, speaking before then-president George W. Bush and three former presidents at the funeral of King’s widow, Coretta Scott King, Lowery delivered a stern rebuke to Bush’s conduct of the Iraq war and domestic policy.

“We know now there were no weapons of mass destruction over there. But Coretta knew, and we know, that there are weapons of misdirection right down here. Millions without health insurance. Poverty abounds. For war billions more, but no more for the poor,” he said then.

Critics charged that the remarks were out of place at a funeral. Lowery defended them as relevant to Mrs. King’s life.

Also speaking at the inauguration was evangelical pastor Rick Warren, who said in his invocation that “Dr. King and a great cloud of witnesses are shouting in Heaven” over Obama’s historic presidency.

Gay-rights supporters had criticized Obama for awarding the inaugural showcase to Warren, an influential supporter of a successful ballot measure to ban gay marriage in California.

But Lowery got the last word, and a chorus of Amens.

Photo credit: REUTERS/Jason Reed (Lowery speaks at Obama inauguration, Jan. 20)

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The Greatest Danger from Obama: Assassination

Posted in USA with tags , , , , , , , , , , on January 20, 2009 by indonesiaunderground

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How a possible assassination would be a tragedy not only for Obama and his family, it would be an absolute catastrophe for the rights and heritage of European Americans.

The greatest danger to European Americans has not been the election of Barack Hussein Obama as President of the United States. A far greater catastrophe would be his assassination.

As White activists have pointed out, the election of Obama along with the rapidly changing demographics of America is a powerful wakeup call to European Americans. His election makes clear that we are losing the nation and principles of our forefathers. It has already led to a dramatic increase in our ranks.

We must also be aware that Obama is not the cause of our losing the America of our forefathers. He is the effect not the cause.

Although Obama supports it, he did not create the situation where millions of White Americans face the massive racial discrimination of so-called affirmative action.

Men of Obama’s race are not the masters of a controlled media which never protest that millions of better-qualified White people are discriminated against in college admissions, in jobs, in promotions, in contracting. Every study shows that African Americans on average score far lower on qualification tests, have much poorer academic records, and have a far greater chance of having a criminal record. Yet, for Government jobs such as the U.S. Postal System, the ultimate in a well-paid, secure government job for life, African Americans are employed at 300 percent more likely than their percentage of the population.

You can show patterns of mass discrimination against Whites in everything from the hiring of factory workers, to admissions to colleges, university graduate programs or medical schools, to the hiring of professors at universities. Yet, there is no loud complaint from the media or political establishment concerning the violation of the human rights of European Americans.

The EEOC, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, is an Orwellian institution that actually promotes blatant racial discrimination against the best-qualified. It is the very opposite of equal opportunity.  And there is not a shred of acknowledgment of that plain fact by America’s mass media or the political establishment. Even Ron Paul doesn’t dare make a big point of anti-White racism.

The fact is that the American government is blatantly racist; it is racist against White people, the very people who founded the nation to begin with. European Americans constituted every signer of the Declaration of Independence and every member of the First Congress of the United States under the Constitution.

Although Obama supports anti-White discrimination, Obama had nothing to do with the triumph of these programs. They are the responsibility of the Clinton’s, the McCain’s, the Reagan’s and are even more so the result of a racist, controlled, anti-White mass media. However, with Obama as President, people will see much better the anti-White nature of these programs, far clearer than they would with an “only on the outside” Whiteman as President.

Obama had no role in the policies of the U.S. Government that have transformed America from a 90 percent European-American country in 1970 to point where we will be an outnumbered, shrinking minority by 2042, probably even earlier. At the present rate of immigration and differential birthrates, if there is not a revolutionary change in policy, by the end of the century Whites will then be about the same percentage of the population as African Americans are today.  Even the Black population alone will outnumber us. America will reflect the political positions of ever more radical racially driven groups such as La Raza (the Race) and the NAACP.

Although Obama favors the transformation of America to a Third World nation resembling the darker half of his own antecedents, he did not make this happen. The anti-European masters of the media and the political financiers and operatives, as well as sell-out White politicians, are the ones who did this. And right in the middle of this was none other than the very proud sponsor of Amnesty, John McCain, a man so committed to the racial transformation of America that made an adoption from Bangladesh.

The real difference in McCain and Obama is that Obama’s racial background as well as his membership in a clearly anti-American, anti-White Church makes the European-American demographic Armageddon, far clearer to the average American than does the failed “great White dope” John McCain.

The racial clarity of an Obama presidency has and will continue to trigger a further awakening of millions of European-Americans to a long-awaited organized political resistance.

Furthermore, the election of McCain would have said to millions of those Whites who are beginning to wake up, “Whew, we really avoided that Obamian catastrophe; we still have people in government watching out for us! Everything will work out; we can all go back to the ball game.”

In reality, McCain as an ostensible, Republican, Conservative will continue to betray us and use the power of the Republican infrastructure to lead us farther down the road to our own destruction.

No Republican would have a problem opposing Obama’s appeals for amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, but many would have had big problems opposing a Republican president who pushes for it. I know that because I once served in the House of Representatives in Louisiana. Politicians are ambitious and the republican hierarchy can determine who rises in the party, who gets best committee assignments, and they can determine who gets endorsed by the party bosses. An uncooperative republican can not only lose the election campaign funds he needs, he can see an insider republican opponent getting that funding.

We have had years of republican presidents and republican dominated congresses, but the march to European American demographic oblivion has gone on unabated and relentless.

There is no reason to believe a McCain presidency would have changed that. In fact, there is as much reason to believe McCain would have accelerated it even more.

On the opposite side,  the fact that a member of an openly anti-American, openly anti-White church won is a real wakeup call to European Americans that the time has come for us to stand up openly for our own interests, heritage and freedom, just as the minorities have openly done for decades. African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans all have powerful organizations for their people.

The media and politicians have high praise for Jews who stand up for their interests and agenda. In fact, they have the most powerful lobby in the U.S. Congress, it is a lobby dedicated to the Jewish agenda and to quote, Israel as a Jewish State.” Obama and McCain have both reaffirmed their commitment to “Israel as a Jewish state” and sworn to send American boys and American gold to fight endless wars for Israel. European Americans demonized for openly advocating our own interests? Admittedly we must be pretty terrible people for not wanting to go bankrupt and die for Israel in the Mideast. The two most powerful men next to Obama are two Jewish supremacist, Zionist backers of Israel uber alles.

Obama as president brings home the fact that it is long past time for European Americans to stand up for our interests!

So, what then is the greatest danger posed by Obama?

The most severe danger posed by Obama as President of the United States wold be his assassination.

The assassination of Obama would be an evil deed, a terrible tragedy for him and his family. Also, I can’t imagine an event that would cause greater damage to White Americans.

If that terrible event happens, God forbid, I frankly believe it would trigger the transformation of America into a Soviet-Style state with brutal and draconian suppression of American civil liberties, rights and freedoms.

I think this is true especially if the assassin were a deranged White person. However, great damage would be done even if the assassin were a member of a minority race.

I am old enough to remember the shock and horror of the Kennedy assassination. At the time of his death the people of the South overwhelmingly despised Kennedy. He was loved by a segment of Americans, but he was detested by just as many Americans who hated his plans to change our immigration laws and open our borders. Millions thought rightly that his proposals for forced integration and busing would eviscerate the nation’s public school systems, destroy the vitality of our inner cities and result in massive criminal victimization of Whites. His unpopularity was shown even on the day he died, for the streets of Dallas were practically empty as his fateful motorcade went past. The assassination changed all that.

Even before it was alleged that a radical communist who had traveled to Cuba and Soviet Russia had done the foul deed, newspapers headlined, “Hate killed Kennedy.”

Before his assassination, Kennedy’s immigration reform bill was dead in the water. His Immigration Reform Act was a bill that discriminated against European immigration and favored Third World immigration. Kennedy’s also sponsored forced integration initiatives, so-called “civil rights legislation.” They also languished in congress. The great majority of Congress opposed these racist, anti-White bills.  Prophetic senators and congressmen said that the legislation would actually diminish the civil rights of Whites and eventually result in massive discrimination against European Americans. Time has proven them painfully correct.

After the fatal bullets were fired in Dallas, even though the alleged communist assassin supported those very same leftist policies, it was only a matter of time before all of Kennedy’s pernicious legislation passed and America was well on the road to demographic Armageddon. The Kennedy assassination also brought on the first laws in violation of the Second Amendment, our vital right to keep and bear arms. It also brought a change to American policy toward Israel. Perhaps one redeeming trait of Kennedy was his intense opposition to Israel getting the atomic bomb. My good friend Mike Piper of the Barnes Review, in his books, shows the involvement of many Israeli operatives in the very center of the conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination.

In America today, the chief advocates of laws to end constitutionally guaranteed free speech have been Jewish led groups such as the ADL (anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith) and the Southern Poverty Law Center. They have supported so-called hate laws that have literally criminalized politically incorrect thoughts.

If Obama were to be assassinated, I believe that draconian laws would be enacted in America much like that in Europe where simply speaking about racial realities would become a criminal offense. I believe that there would be successful efforts to restrict freedom of speech on the Internet, and I think the powers that be would use such laws to stifle and criminalize criticism of Israel and Jewish extremism.

There is another very scary scenario we should all consider. We cannot put anything past our enemies. Israel has a record of committing terrorism against the United States. The Israeli terrorist attacks in the Lavon Affair and the Attack on the USS Liberty are indisputable facts of history. The Israeli treachery against America in the Jonathan Pollard Case is undeniable. There is no doubt that Israel’s intelligence is ruthless enough to do any deed, no matter how foul in the service of the Jewish supremacist agenda.

We also are aware of the plentiful evidence that Israel had a role in the 9-11 tragedy. The facts are indisputable that the Mossad shadowed and wire-tapped Mohammed Atta and at least half of the alleged hijackers for months prior to the attack. They were certainly in position to know about the attacks ahead of time. We also know that on the day of the 9-11 attack 5 Mossad agents were arrested by the FBI after filming and celebrating the attacks on the WTC as they occurred. Why would Mossad agents in America be filming and cheering the attacks unless they had prior knowledge and saw it as “mission accomplished”? As Benjamin Netanyahu was quoted in The NY Times just a day after the 9-11, “the attacks were good for Israel.”

Of course, as horrific as 9-11 was for America, it was a godsend for Israel. It took the world’s attention off the murders of war criminal, Ariel Sharon. It made the world turn a blind eye to Israel’s systematic destruction of the emerging Palestinian State. It upped the ante for unquestioned, massive American monetary and military support of Israel. Finally, it enabled Israeli Partisans in media and government to embark America on a catastrophic war against Israel’s enemy: Iraq.

It would not be hard for a sophisticated intelligence agency to find some deranged loser, ply him with money and set him out to do an evil deed of murder, of political assassination. Over the next few months it would be naive not to consider the possibility of this rogue state’s potential to do evil.

The most radical Jewish supremacist feel more comfortable with McCain’s much longer record of subservience to Israel, and in an effort to consolidate their grip of power in an increasingly totalitarian America, who knows what Israeli intelligence might do. Their record is not in the least reassuring.

If Israel decides to embark upon it, there is not much we can do to prevent such an Israeli scenario,

If some nut somewhere in an increasingly Hollywoodized and crazified America assassinates Obama, we have no affect on that.

But there are some things we can do, and some things we must do.

Everyone in this Movement for European-American rights and heritage must understand that an assassination of Barack Obama would be an evil act, catastrophic act for White Americans.

Understand that anyone who is even remotely associated with our ideas who would promote any thoughts of violence or vicious or truly hateful rhetoric is either working for the other side or is so stupid he should be. Either way, we must protect ourselves from such psychopaths.

Internet Chats are basically anonymous, and they are perfect pathways of Black propaganda.  You never know for sure who is posting on any site.

For instance, if someone is a secret operative and he wanted to really hurt Obama he could place posts on Obama’s websites openly supporting anti-White policies or justifying violence against Whites. It would be wrong to do that and such tactics are completely unnecessary, for there are acres of clear evidence of Obama’s racist sentiments and affiliations.

The same kind of vulnerability existing for Obama also is true for White activist sites. Our enemies can anonymously and easily plant hateful and violent rhetoric which can be easily used by the powerful mainstream media to demonize us. We should keep our eyes open for inflammatory, clearly hateful, expletive or violent rhetoric. Such should be moderated and forcefully condemned.

If the worst would happen, and Obama would be assassinated, it would be an incalculable tragedy. Hateful or violent rhetoric would be dragged up and used in a direct assault against every White activist organization. Just as important, millions of our people would be stripped of their psychological moral defenses. To even simply say that White people should have human rights too would be viewed as some sort of justification of murder. The media would depict White activists as synonymous with a murderer of a man often portrayed by the media as the Second Coming.

I heard CNN refer to Obama as the biggest celebrity and most admired man in the world. Remember that Martin Luther King was a man who plagiarized his doctoral thesis, routinely had liaisons and physically beat prostitutes, a man whose top aide, the very Jewish Stanley Levinson, was revealed to be a long time member of the Communist Party, USA. Because of his brutal assassination this reprobate man became the most honored American, even more than Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, who were lumped together for “President’s Day” while King gets his own. The King assassination was very damaging to the every day rights of White Americans. Imagine if the worst would happen and Obama was killed. My God, the White self-guilt would be overwhelming and they would probably make his birthday a world holiday.

It would usher in a media hate fest against the European American people and those of us who are activists for our rights and heritage, it would accelerate every government policy for the destruction of our people, and it would spur on the greatest suppression of freedom in American history.

There are good and bad among all points of view and among all people. I hope and pray that anyone who deems himself a patriot for our people’s heritage and freedom undertands that nothing could damage the people we love more than an assassination of Barack Obama.

It is vital that all awakened European Americans understand these fundamental things. All of us must think, speak and act morally and ethically, and we must repeat again and again our opposition to any sort of violence against anyone, and reiterate again and again how any sort of plot against Obama would be evil as well as being catastrophic for our own people.

Hopefully, the worst will not happen.

But, I have learned long ago, that our enemies are capable of doing the most evil things imaginable to advance their agenda.

Vigilance as always, is the cost of freedom!

Be what we European people are naturally: fair-minded, decent and moral. At the same time we must be unselfishly and courageously dedicated to the heritage and rights of our people.

Thanks for being with me today, and thank you for having the ability to think independently. D Duke

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